Marco Rubio's new TV ad.


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I like it. He's just knocking around a set with some footballs as he's peppered with questions. It makes him seem like a regular guy, and it mentions that he played football, so he seems tough and vigorous. Wikipedia says Rubio played at Tarkio College for one year on a football scholarship. I've never heard of Tarkio College, but he played football there so he must be manly!
It's an effective ad when there are so many negative ones out there right now.
Tarkio is in the far NW corner of MO. Right next to Iowa. Small college.
Believe it or not, he would be about the 6th Tarkio College grad I have met/know of.

The small, now defunct college in NW MO.
I like it. He's just knocking around a set with some footballs as he's peppered with questions. It makes him seem like a regular guy, and it mentions that he played football, so he seems tough and vigorous. Wikipedia says Rubio played at Tarkio College for one year on a football scholarship. I've never heard of Tarkio College, but he played football there so he must be manly!
It's an effective ad when there are so many negative ones out there right now.
Agreed. However, the ad appeals to males. That's one demographic Rubio doesn't have to worry about. So it makes you wonder how much good its actually doing.
Agreed. However, the ad appeals to males. That's one demographic Rubio doesn't have to worry about. So it makes you wonder how much good its actually doing.
you think women are gonna be the difference here? how many american stay at home women who vote -go to the Bilderberg meetings?