Massive cancer charities scam revealed.


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I listened to a story about this unfolding scam on NPR yesterday with one of my daughters. I couldn't find that story, so I'm plugging in this one from CNN. $187 million was taken in by one family under an umbrella of four supposedly charitable organizations. $.03 of every dollar made it's way to helping someone other than supporting the families lavish lifestyle.
Sadly it appears this will all be settled with little if any prison time. Probably none. They should all go to prison after being beaten with clubs publicly.
This basically why I don't give to a lot of charities. You better have a real good rating to get my money.
That and there is virtually no real interest in curing any diseases.
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honest question, where is the crime here by the letter of the law? from the outside it's obviously a scam but technically it seems like people were convinced to donate to a horribly inefficient entity. taking employees and family members to Disney World isn't illegal, nonprofit or not.
honest question, where is the crime here by the letter of the law? from the outside it's obviously a scam but technically it seems like people were convinced to donate to a horribly inefficient entity. taking employees and family members to Disney World isn't illegal, nonprofit or not.
honest question, where is the crime here by the letter of the law? from the outside it's obviously a scam but technically it seems like people were convinced to donate to a horribly inefficient entity. taking employees and family members to Disney World isn't illegal, nonprofit or not.

I was wondering the same thing. I thought that ALL organized charities were open to liberal definitions on what they spent on overhead. The United Way supposedly spends very little on actual "Good Works," and no one seems to care. I thought this was the whole notion behind the Clinton Foundation. I have read of any number of charities (and PAC's for that matter as well) that spent most of their revenue on executive salaries and perks and travel etc.

I have for years preferred to give money to the guys standing on the street corners begging for beer money. I always know that 100 cents on the dollar will go into beer.