May Be Too Early...

We agree on something...ok lets simplify have a pretty good idea where I stand...what is your solution?
Informative representation, with informative implementation.

You don't really think going to the voting booth wins elections do you?
We agree on something...ok lets simplify have a pretty good idea where I stand...what is your solution?
Well, you most certainly read my response Natural. The other part of the solution, would be for your type GOP hardcores(yes you're just as bad), and those other types to suddenly evolve into somewhat intelligent and capable beings.
Be more specific...
Stop being so dumb, and start being smarter. Use the new found smarts to understand how voting actually happens. Then use that same knowledge to elect candidates that aren't just DC pawns.
AT, I am disappoint. You posted too brief and fast for my taste. I was expecting an opus and thought I had time to poke the bear.
I would argue GW was the establishment candidate. The social conservative candidates were Gary Bauer and Alan Keyes who received very little support.
And they received little support because that wing of the party supported W who also got the establishment support. The evangelical wing of the party was thrilled with the promise of W in 2000. I don't think they got a lot for their support however. Maybe the wing should stay home in protest. :D
Enough of us don't vote based on religion, so it'll be blue
Not sure what religion has to do with the original question?

Anyway, Iowa will go Dem if Hillary proves to be a worthy candidate and the GOP trots out a John Mccain/Bob Dole type candidate. Iowa will go GOP if the candidate proves that he isn't a shill for big interests and takes Hillary to task for past transgressions.
And they received little support because that wing of the party supported W who also got the establishment support. The evangelical wing of the party was thrilled with the promise of W in 2000. I don't think they got a lot for their support however. Maybe the wing should stay home in protest. :D
They 2008 and 2012.
Not even relevant...that was initiated by outside forces and GW acted accordingly. Riots and anti white sentiment have been orchestrated from within.

By acting accordingly are you referring to when he sat and read a book to a class of 1st graders for another hour?
By acting accordingly are you referring to when he sat and read a book to a class of 1st graders for another hour?

Another hour? What fantasy have you created over the years. Andy Card whispered in his ear America was under attack and the President excused himself within a few minutes. He then came back in and made the first public statements about the events before departing the school. It is OK to hate Bush, but at least bring some accuracy to the conversation.
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Another hour? What fantasy have you created over the years. Andy Card whispered in his ear America was under attack and the President excused himself within a few minutes. He then came back in and made the first public statements about the events before departing the school. It is OK to hate Bush, but at least bring some accuracy to the conversation.
SCHawk... the left always invents stuff as they go the reporter who invented imaginary stories about being in imaginary planes while covering imaginary battles and receiving imaginary war wounds.

Oh come on!! How long do you think the terrorists cells were in the U.S. training and practicing? Nine months? Did they get here the day GWB took office? They'd been here for years. During Bill Clinton's time. This is like saying that Obama was the one that found and did all the research on UBL. They'd been after the guy for years and all Obam had to do was give the order to go kill him.
Oh come on!! How long do you think the terrorists cells were in the U.S. training and practicing? Nine months? Did they get here the day GWB took office? They'd been here for years. During Bill Clinton's time. This is like saying that Obama was the one that found and did all the research on UBL. They'd been after the guy for years and all Obam had to do was give the order to go kill him.
I'm sure you are right, they were here for years too scared to make a move under Clinton. But with Bush in office they knew they would be successful. That same Bush who apparently couldn't just give the order to go kill UBL.

(This is sort of fun).
Depends on your perspective...if you nailed me to the floor on one major point it would be this absolute racial "chip" Obama and his wife carry on their shoulders...its created more problems than we could ever imagine...and I think most Americans are more than tired of being exposed to it.
Our political system is geared to recognize and talk about issues and not to fix them. Fixing an issue is counter productive because if you fix them the voter may not vote for you next time.
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What would be your party platform eh?
It would align itself with Reagan conservatism...something lacking in the GOP and the reason we aren't winning presidential elections. I have to hand it to the liberals...they will go down with a sinking ship before they change their ideology...they appeal to the "change" mentality...that is why they have won the last 2 elections. The GOP swept Congressional and governorship elections because they stayed true to their core values...the fact they deviate in presidential elections for the sake of trying to impress folks who would NEVER vote for them astounds me. It's idiotic...and will cost them in 2016 if they don't have a candidate that attracts Christians and moral conservatives.
but how do you guys see Iowa going in the 2016 election? You would give the Republicans a big boost if you went RED. I see Ohio and Florida going back.
I just can't see Iowa going for Hillary, but you never know who the Republicans are going to nominate. As for Ohio and Florida, my guess is that a Kasich-Rubio ticket would give the GOP Iowa, Ohio and Florida.
It would align itself with Reagan conservatism...something lacking in the GOP and the reason we aren't winning presidential elections. I have to hand it to the liberals...they will go down with a sinking ship before they change their ideology...they appeal to the "change" mentality...that is why they have won the last 2 elections. The GOP swept Congressional and governorship elections because they stayed true to their core values...the fact they deviate in presidential elections for the sake of trying to impress folks who would NEVER vote for them astounds me. It's idiotic...and will cost them in 2016 if they don't have a candidate that attracts Christians and moral conservatives.
You over estimate us Democrats Tennessee.........What aided Obama significantly was the inability of the GOP to nominate a reasonable candidate free of the baggage of its right wing. Your talkin' white supremists and religious tools who make up "the rank and file" of the GOP. Obama may not be much Tenn, but he is a helluva lot better than what you guys offered up. Remember, Obama won TWO general elections and received more than 50% in BOTH elections...The last POTUS to win TWO elections with a clear majority of the popular vote was some guy named Reagan.
iowa is very liberal with a few pockets of republicans here and there. iowa will probably be blue especially if chris christie runs as a dem
I've never voted for a democratic president...but we need to keep religion or of politics....oh and keep money out too. I'm an environmentally conscious, socially liberal, fiscal moderate. Except I like guns
This describes me exactly, except I've never voted for a republican. So close to becoming best friends, damn.
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iowa is very liberal with a few pockets of republicans here and there. iowa will probably be blue especially if chris christie runs as a dem have been gone from Iowa for far too long to make this statement. D SM and Davenport are pretty Democratic but by far smaller margins than you might think.......The rest of the State is pretty much split 50/50...except for western and NW Ioway which are solidly GOP (60%). I believe there are more registered GOPers in Iowa than Dems....but "independents" have the most.
Look at Iowa today....Branstad is governor. Grassley and Ernst are Senators and 3 of the 4 Congressmen are GOPers. Branstad, Grassley and Ernst are pretty hard right leaners. Middle of the roaders and lefties in Iowa don't have much of a voice in DC any more. Iowa is a far, far cry from the days of Hughes, Neal Smith, Harkin and Bedell era of government have been gone from Iowa for far too long to make this statement. D SM and Davenport are pretty Democratic but by far smaller margins than you might think.......The rest of the State is pretty much split 50/50...except for western and NW Ioway which are solidly GOP (60%). I believe there are more registered GOPers in Iowa than Dems....but "independents" have the most.
Look at Iowa today....Branstad is governor. Grassley and Ernst are Senators and 3 of the 4 Congressmen are GOPers. Branstad, Grassley and Ernst are pretty hard right leaners. Middle of the roaders and lefties in Iowa don't have much of a voice in DC any more. Iowa is a far, far cry from the days of Hughes, Neal Smith, Harkin and Bedell era of government

let us see:
dsm and the quad cities, two biggest population centers, add to that a bunch of big city Detroit or chi-town types in cedar rapids, and the college towns, ic and cedar falls, Ottumwa is solid dem, the river cities like Burlington and Keokuk, add all this up, you got yourself a blue state

I think the repubs would be better served to concentrate on ohio and florida
Not sure what religion has to do with the original question?

Anyway, Iowa will go Dem if Hillary proves to be a worthy candidate and the GOP trots out a John Mccain/Bob Dole type candidate. Iowa will go GOP if the candidate proves that he isn't a shill for big interests and takes Hillary to task for past transgressions.

There has been an old narrative that was started in the late 80's, early 90's, by larry king when daddy bush was running against Clinton, that the repubs were all about preachers and conservatives and religion. "the religious right" was born. invented by larry king and the media.
You over estimate us Democrats Tennessee.........What aided Obama significantly was the inability of the GOP to nominate a reasonable candidate free of the baggage of its right wing. Your talkin' white supremists and religious tools who make up "the rank and file" of the GOP. Obama may not be much Tenn, but he is a helluva lot better than what you guys offered up. Remember, Obama won TWO general elections and received more than 50% in BOTH elections...The last POTUS to win TWO elections with a clear majority of the popular vote was some guy named Reagan.
I'll agree with you on one point bud...Obama ain't much.
There has been an old narrative that was started in the late 80's, early 90's, by larry king when daddy bush was running against Clinton, that the repubs were all about preachers and conservatives and religion. "the religious right" was born. invented by larry king and the media.

Gimme a break, OiT...You never heard of Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority of the 1980's? Jeeeebus Keeeerist OiT, sometimes your (convenient) lack of memory surprises even me. Larry King my ass......

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