Maybe its me, but does Bill Walton get high as a kite before he does a broadcast?

Walton smokes up daily,... so yes, that would include broadcast days....
It is well past Politics with this......person... at the helm but yep I'll refrain from anything else....

Please do. Your political idio-babble reflects the absence of either a brain or a conscience; rather, the occupancy of that space on the post modern left that is beyond the realm of facts or logical inferences from fact and substitutes aspirational emotion for reality. Peddle the vapid hate elsewhere.
Please do. Your political idio-babble reflects the absence of either a brain or a conscience; rather, the occupancy of that space on the post modern left that is beyond the realm of facts or logical inferences from fact and substitutes aspirational emotion for reality. Peddle the vapid hate elsewhere.
Like real actual hate? Saw a deranged guy on tv last night at some rally ripping on a deceased Congressman, talk about cowardice and hate...
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I actually doubt Bill gets high immediately before or during broadcasts. He is well-known to prepare quite a bit for games, doing lots of research. I think people should come to grips with just how committed he is to being free from constraint and having fun.

And I think a lot of it, too, is he’s playing an ongoing game with Pasch.