Cedar Rapids is loaded with "Citizens Against Virtually Everything" types whose only vision for the city is to back in time, get the Sinclair Packing Plant back in business, and to be able to look at the Christmas window displays at Killians and Armstrongs Downtown Dept Stores. Unfortunately for them, that city will never exist again. They seem to have a "Wait and Hope" attitude that something good will eventually happen, but we shouldn't to anything to make our city better, and God forbid, we should never spend a cent of money on anything other than fixing streets.
These types despise Corbett, as he seems to be more of a "let's do something now" type, and whether you like him or hate him, things are happening now. There has been more development for the better in the last few years than at any point in the 15 years I have lived here. Much of the current construction has been on flood properties and abandoned industrial sites, where the city was receiving little or no tax revenue. We've also remodeled the Arena, added considerable retail and local restaurant options, added a great venue in the McGrath Amphitheater, the NewBo area has become, dare I say, an attraction to visitors. Most cities in Iowa wish that they had the economic development that is going on right now, and it has happened without the benefit of being a State Capital like Des Moines, or a heavily State funded University City like Iowa City or Ames. I can't say I agree with everything that has been done...I think the city has extended itself on the Doubletree Hotel and Westdale projects, and I think that the two way street thing could have waited...but overall most of the things being done right now will be positives over the next 50-100 years.
CAVE types also do not like that Corbett has been able to convince citizens to support the current vision, like winning approval of the Casino by a large margin, and the LOST tax for street repair. Corbett has also supported the Speed Cameras, which gives the Gazette something to generate website hits, but the revenues from the camera produce a very small % of the city's budget. That issue really needs to be settled by the Legislature.
Overall, the city is being run like a business, taking advantage of opportunities that may come its' way, and willing to invest in it's future, even if it might be risky at the outset. I'll take someone that is willing to "do something" over someone that waits to "wait and hope" any day.