Meanwhile in Kansas …

This will not end well for the police dept. Unless it goes to SCOTUS. Can you imagine Thomas getting his hands on this?

Nervous Mindy Kaling GIF by The Paley Center for Media
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“Basically,” Eric Meyer said, “all the law enforcement officers on duty in Marion County, Kansas, descended on our offices today and seized our server and computers and personal cellphones of staff members all because of a story we didn’t publish.”
Weird that the people who say Trump can’t be prosecuted due to his 1st Amendment rights are fine with this newspaper being raided.
8 years of non stop screaming by Republicans that the media is bad has paid off.
Weird that the people who say Trump can’t be prosecuted due to his 1st Amendment rights are fine with this newspaper being raided.
8 years of non stop screaming by Republicans that the media is bad has paid off.
Because it violates the secret 0th amendment.
"These rights only apply for the people rich white people want them to apply to".

You can only read it if you hold the bill of rights up to a window and look through the paper.
Betcha they aren’t. MAGA is already lining up in support. The principal plaintiff in an action is dead.

He can easily be removed from office if he broke the law. I don't know if he broke the law, but if he/she was grossly negligent/reckless in violation of the requirements for a valid search warrant, he is toast.

Obviously, I can't give a well informed opinion until I see the application for warrant. And if the officers fraudulently represented facts in application, they are toast and are subject to civil suit/criminal charges
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He can easily be removed from office if he broke the law. I don't know if he broke the law, but if he/she was grossly negligent/reckless in violation of the requirements for a valid search warrant, he is toast.

Obviously, I can't give a well informed opinion until I see the application for warrant. And if the officers fraudulently represented facts in application, they are toast and are subject to civil suit/criminal charges
I like you, but, LOL. Dick squat is going to happen.

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