Megyn Kelly Is Ditching NYC After School Promotes Reforming ‘White Kids,’ Says Future ‘Killer Cop’ In ‘Every Classroom’

of course she has to stay relevant!
She jumped to MSNBC and flopped. They tried to run out her contract with some day work and specials on NBC, but she really isn’t a journalist. She did well at Fox because she had an audience teed up for her.
As mentioned by others, she appears to be angling for a return to the grievance network. Nothing more oppressed than a rich white in America.
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Numerous very good reasons to be leaving New York City right now,... I'm sure this is just one piece of the puzzle.
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I read the Daily Wire article.

Here's my understanding.

There was a blog post written by a woman, Nahliah Webber, who has zero affiliation or association with the school where Megan Kelly's kids attended. Webber is affiliated with the Orleans Public Education Network in New Orleans. The blog post was written shortly after George Floyd's death. She opined about systemic disparities between blacks and white in both society and in education.

As for what Webber promotes for school reform . . . this is what she wrote: "School reformers need to lobby, plot and plan on how to disrupt school systems that produce, protect and reward White violence."

The school where Kelly's kid attended started a diversity committee. Kelly is (was) on that committee. The blog post was circulated among that committee. The school administrators then circulated the blog post to every member of the faculty to read.

What am I missing?
Did the school enact any "reforms?" No.
Did the school host an assembly in which the faculty told the white kids that they were inherently evil racists? No.
Any policies changed as a result of the Webber post? No.
Was anything said to students by the faculty that was contained in the Webber post? No.

It appears to me that Megan Kelly is upset that a blog post containing a viewpoint with which she disagreed (vehemently) was circulated among faculty to read.

I'm sorry but our society as a whole - no matter your political leanings - needs to get out of its proverbial "safe space" and recognize that confirmation bias is a problem in our society. People of all political leanings gravitate towards what they want to hear, what "confirms" their beliefs and what justifies their anger towards others.

So . . . it appears that Megyn Kelly . . . an adult . . . is so offended by school administrators distributing an opinion piece written by a woman who works in education in New Orleans that she pulls her kids out of that school.

Does anyone else see the irony in Kelly's reaction to the blog piece? The piece essentially opines that our society needs to look into whether there is inherent bias in education which benefits white children to the detriment of black children. So Kelly, because she disagreed with that opinion, pulls her kids out of the school and will presumably place them in a different school what will "shield" their faculty from having to read such opinions. She's essentially "protecting" her kids (who are white) from any potential discussion of inherent racial bias in our society.

And, while doing so, seeks to monetize her decision by promoting continued discord along political divides.

As an aside, isn't she the one who got worked up about portrayals of "black Santa Claus" and insisted that Santa Claus is "white?"
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