Memorial Day Discussions


HR Legend
Sep 23, 2003
Since we are approaching the most memorable holiday of the year for our military veterans, I am posting links to interviews of probably the most memorable interviews of 2 of our country's most redeemed veterans, both of WWII.

The first is, John "Lucky" Luckadoo of the 100th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, (Masters of the Air mini-series) who tells of his experiences with his Bomb Group's experiences to, of all people, Glenn Beck. It is quite the interview in that John tells of his group's experiences during the war, especially during the early stages. It is notable that around the 40:00 minute mark that John does not fall for Glenn's bait to make the discussion more of a current day political issue and simply says that he and his veterans "answered the call" to preserve our nation by fighting against all enemies, both of foreign and domestic origins. His generation truly answered "the call" when the situation arose, and he calls out even those enemies of today.

The second interview involves Eugene Sledge, one of the principal characters (The Pacific from the HBO mini-series), who spoke to the libertarian Mises Institute about 30 years ago. He tells of his experiences beginning from boot camp to both of his experiences on Peleliu and Okinawa, and the loss of a lot of his comrades' lives and the graphic deaths that they endured. It was very sad and a detailed loss of many of his comrades' demise, against a fanatical Japanese army, who they didn't fully understand in the beginning of the war. His discussion also becomes somewhat political given against the current events of that time against the Clinton administration.

Politics aside, both men talk about the answering "of the call" and how they both responded against the nation's enemies of that era, and how important that was, to our nation's interests, regardless of era.

Hopefully, you will have time in the coming days to listen to their stories and come to the realization that none of them were, suckers and losers. They were all fighters and defenders of our nation's borders, and against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Have an enjoyable Holiday Weekend, and truly appreciate those who have made it possible, regardless of politics.

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