Perhaps we should restrict births here so we can pick better citizens who "have skills that will benefit the entire US."I tend to look at more as an efficiency of govt and our economy issue. Unfortunately we can't keep people from popping out kids and global population seems to be a real problem, plus today we have ample population in the US.
Do we really need more people via immigration or will organic population growth be sufficient for our countries needs? If yes then any immigrants brought into the USA we would want to have skills that will benefit the entire US.
It's like we are a company that currently has no open jobs but "man o man" if we could ever get that guy we would make room for them (kind of like how Tom Crean makes room for new recruits for Indiana basketball).
Personally, I think people who go to the extra effort to be here should be given consideration ahead of those who think they are "entitled" just because they were born here and their parents just happen to be citizens.