Midland pre-seeds ?


HB Legend
Feb 2, 2013
When do these come out?

Also, I'm going to bow out on any pbp this year. I've spent too much time bike riding this break to also ignore my family by going on the computer to follow wrestling (with "dad's dorky internet friends" as quoted by multiple family members).
Per Trackwrestling, brackets will be released tomorrow around 8pm CST. Not sure about pre-seeds.
Also, I'm going to bow out on any pbp this year. I've spent too much time bike riding this break to also ignore my family by going on the computer to follow wrestling (with "dad's dorky internet friends" as quoted by multiple family members).
On behalf of busy/working Hawkeye wrestling fans everywhere, thanks for your service. Hopefully someone picks up where you left off.
According to Jason Bryant, Iowa(along with 9 other schools) did not send in their roster list by the cut off date(Dec. 18th), so there will be no preseeds this year!
When do these come out?

Also, I'm going to bow out on any pbp this year. I've spent too much time bike riding this break to also ignore my family by going on the computer to follow wrestling (with "dad's dorky internet friends" as quoted by multiple family members).


What about her "dorky" Facebook and Twitter friends.?

Or were you just being a good Dad and letting that slip past ........
Will Lee get the #2 seed? It would be a huge bummer if Lee and Suriano wrestled the first or second round. Especially since I can't get there until Saturday...
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Interesting. Preseeds were pointless anyway.

Actually pre-seeds sped things up quite a bit by nearly eliminating a seeding meeting altogether. Considering this year is at a different venue adding an extra thing to have to do can't be helpful.
Actually pre-seeds sped things up quite a bit by nearly eliminating a seeding meeting altogether. Considering this year is at a different venue adding an extra thing to have to do can't be helpful.

So will we see brackets later today?
When do these come out?

Also, I'm going to bow out on any pbp this year. I've spent too much time bike riding this break to also ignore my family by going on the computer to follow wrestling (with "dad's dorky internet friends" as quoted by multiple family members).
Tell your family that your other degenerate wrestling family need you also...o_O:D Thank you for your excellent pbp Vall it will be missed
Here is the schedule from the event flyer on track.

Thursday. Dec 28th 1p.m. - 4p.m. Registration - WEIGHT CLASS DECLARATION - SEARS CENTER ,S.E. CORNER DOOR 11
(All wrestlers or their coaches MUST declare weight class to participate.) 1p.m. - 7p.m. Workout facilities Main Arena open
5p.m. Business meeting@ TBA
8p.m. All Brackets will be released on Track Wrestling

Friday. Dec 29th
6:00a.m. Sears Center Opens
7:15a.m. Med Check's
7:30a.m. Weigh-in, Flat Weight, Main Arena
8a.m. All Bench Personnel Must Meet, Breakfast, Mat Assignments
9:30a.m. First Session (10 Mats)

7p.m. Second Session (10 Mats)
11p.m. Building Closes

Saturday. Dec 30th
9a.m. Sears Center Opens
10:30a.m. All Bench Personnel Must Meet, Breakfast, Mat Assignments
10:45a.m. Med Check's
11a.m. Weigh-in, One Pound Allowance
Noon Third Session (4 Mats) - Semis, consolation, 7th place
6:30p.m. Opening Ceremonies, Introductions
7:05p.m. Final Session (3 Mats), 1st, 3rd, 5th place matches
9:15p.m. Conclusion of Awards Ceremony
Actually pre-seeds sped things up quite a bit by nearly eliminating a seeding meeting altogether. Considering this year is at a different venue adding an extra thing to have to do can't be helpful.

Still pointless to me. I’ve never been to a seeding meeting for the Midlands.
Context understood. It is pointless to me that anyone but me is allowed to drive.

Ha. I was obviously not being obtuse but I’m sure someone associated with the Midlands has put thought into potential seeds that will guide the seeding meeting. Always just thought the preseeds were basically pointless.

Will Lee get the #2 seed? It would be a huge bummer if Lee and Suriano wrestled the first or second round. Especially since I can't get there until Saturday...

It would be surprising if they didn’t give him a decent seed. Maybe not #2 but possible.
Ha. I was obviously not being obtuse but I’m sure someone associated with the Midlands has put thought into potential seeds that will guide the seeding meeting. Always just thought the preseeds were basically pointless.

It would be surprising if they didn’t give him a decent seed. Maybe not #2 but possible.
Decent seed is probable. Hopefully they take it a step further and make it an intelligent seed.
If Suriano is first then Spencer needs to be 2, 3, 6 or 7.
4, 5 and 8 should be off the table.
I am assuming Tom. My guess is that it would have something to do with his weight and the cutting rules for him to be down at 184 for the duals in a couple weeks.
I don't think that is the reason because it would mean it took until today for them to figure that out. Also if he is 190 as claimed then the weight would not be the issue.
I'll just wait for the official statement from the press secretary.
I'm guessing the Iowa coaches have other priorities. Not sure why people are getting all wound up about him competing at 197 at Midlands. We will see him when we see him and if we don't see him we don't. Him possibly having to go against two team members was not going to help anything anyway.
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I don't think that is the reason because it would mean it took until today for them to figure that out. Also if he is 190 as claimed then the weight would not be the issue.
I'll just wait for the official statement from the press secretary.
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I don't think that is the reason because it would mean it took until today for them to figure that out. Also if he is 190 as claimed then the weight would not be the issue.
I'll just wait for the official statement from the press secretary.

I’m thinking 190 wasn’t where he was going to be if he weighed in this weekend. That is what he said he was at after a workout, before Christmas (that he said he was going to enjoy).
Not mention the reading and writing portion of it. I would think it would count against him to use numbers instead of letters. :)