Turnk vs Hernandez (I can't see who is in the corner of the IA/NC match, but that could be fun)
Turn in again, single up in the air
Switches off to double and finishes 2-0 with 1:48 left in 1st
Escape 2-1.
Happle with a sweet move for a pin. Countered a single right to the back almost like a lateral drop and pinned him. He was up 8-3 I think. Caught i last minute
1st Period - Sorensen vs Davey Tunon - IN
Sorensen with single and td - 4-1
Sorensen td - 6-3
Firemans to back now, 4 backpoints
End of 1 - 12-3
Started secodn down and up and out quickly. 3-1
Turk 6-1 at end of 2. Not sure how. Following Sorensen.
Spencer Lee EffectIs it just me or do we seem to be getting more bonus points than in years past?
Only Costello has lost so far?
Murin, in my opinion.Turk final 7-4. Of all the guys at 141, he seems the most content to sit on a lead.
Yes it isThis is the same Brandon Wright that just finished 3rd at the Olympic Trials this past summer?
Lugo better pack a lunch next year st 149