Compliments of Lax in another thread....
2017 Midlands is up on track, here are the teams listed currently. I put (redshirts) next to the teams that don't have Midlands listed next on their official schedule, therefore probably wont be sending their starters. Let me know if I missed any.
1. Air Force AF 0.0
2. American AU 0.0
3. Arizona State ASU 0.0
4. Brown BRO 0.0
5. Buffalo BUFF 0.0
6. CalPoly CPol 0.0
7. Central Michigan CMU 0.0
8. Chicago CHGO 0.0
9. Eastern Michigan EMU 0.0
10. Edinboro Edbo 0.0
11. Franklin & Marshall FM 0.0
12. Harvard HARV 0.0
13. Illinois ILL 0.0
14. Indiana IND 0.0
15. Iowa IOWA 0.0
16. Iowa State ISU 0.0
17. Lehigh LEH 0.0 (redshirts)
18. Maryland MARY 0.0
19. Michigan UM 0.0 (redshirts)
20. Minnesota Minn 0.0 (redshirts)
21. NC State NCSU 0.0 (redshirts)
22. North Dakota State NDSU 0.0
23. Northern Illinois NIU 0.0
24. Northwestern NU 0.0
25. Ohio OHIO 0.0
26. Old Dominion ODU 0.0
27. Oregon State ORST 0.0
28. Penn Pen. 0.0
29. Penn St. PSU 0.0 (redshirts)
30. Princeton PRIN 0.0
31. Purdue PUR 0.0
32. Rutgers RUT 0.0
33. South Dakota State SDSU 0.0
34. West Virgina W.Vi 0.0 (redshirts)
35. Wisconsin WIS 0.0