Mike Huckabee and the parole of Wayne Eugene DuMond


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Since Huckabee spent the last six years hosting a show on Fox News, there is no shortage of zany/offensive/downright moronic things that he has said on-air that will come back to haunt him, including inside stories still to come from those potty-mouthed “trashy” Fox women he said he was forced to work with.

Sure to be at the top of everyone’s hit list is Huckabee’s involvement in the parole of Wayne Eugene DuMond — career criminal and rapist — who raped and murdered another woman in Missouri after Huckabee lent him a helping hand and got him paroled.

The full details of Huckabee/Dumond can be found here (format-free, unfortunately) by the Arkansas Times, but here are a few things you need to know.

Dumond was arrested multiple times from 1972 to 1976 for charges ranging from murder to molestation to rape. Each time he walked after agreeing to testify against others or after getting a slap on the wrist.

In 1984 he raped 17-year-old cheerleader Ashley Stevens of Arkansas, who happened to be the third cousin of Bill Clinton, and was later convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Enter Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Egged on by evangelicals and conservatives who believe that Bill Clinton is Satan incarnate, and that Dumond was railroaded, Huckabee involved himself in Dumond’s parole hearings, writing to him to say, “Dear Wayne – My desire is that you be released from prison.”

Despite receiving letters from women who had previously been assaulted by Dumond, Huckabee met with the parole board, in a meeting that was not recorded, and which later voted 4-1 to parole Dumond on the condition he leave the state.

Said parole board member Ermer Pondexter, “I signed the [parole] papers because the governor wanted Dumond paroled. I was thinking the governor was working for the best interests of the state.”

After moving to to Missouri in August 2000, Dumond was once again arrested only months later for the rape and murder of Carol Sue Shields.

Dumond went to prison again where he later died.

It is entirely possible that politics and score-settling with Bill Clinton had no bearing on Huckabee’s brief love affair with Dumond. That, as a good Christian, he was trying to love the sinner while hating the sin.

But he can also expect, in what looks like a field of twenty-plus Republicans trying to shoulder each other out of the race while maintaining their own Jesus street cred, to be given the same passive-aggressive Christian treatment.

They’ll let everyone know that they forgive Mike Huckabee for releasing a rapist to rape (again) and kill a young woman, while at the same time flooding the airwaves with every gory detail.
It will be fun to watch this big Republican field start to turn on each other. Huckabee will get worked over for this. It was a mistake to let Dumond out. Right now the candidates, and potential candidates are only working over Hillary. Soon enough they'll have to provide separation between themselves. That's when the fun will start.
Well Obama is releasing Gang Members and rapists every day through his Amnesty program so I agree they both should be impeached and disqualified!
Jalmar Mejia-Lopez, whom Louisiana authorities arrested and charged with aggravated rape last month after receiving an anonymous tip that the now-21-year-old illegal immigrant had impregnated his 12-year-old girlfriend, who was living with him.

Mr. Mejia first drew the attention of authorities in July 2011, when two Border Patrol agents saw him wandering near the Rio Grande in Texas, his tattered and muddy clothes tipping them off that he had probably just jumped the border. His story was much the same as Mr. Enamorado‘s: He’d fled his home inHonduras and traveled by bus and train to reach the U.S. border, where he waded across the Rio Grande at night with the hope of eventually reaching his brother living in Virginia.

He didn’t know his brother’s phone number, his father was dead, and his mother still lived at home in Honduras, so authorities processed him and turned him over to social workers at HHS, who quickly placed him with a social worker at a Catholic church in Philadelphia, who identified herself as a “family friend” and promised to look after him. A year later, he missed his deportation hearing, was ordered kicked out in absentia and disappeared into the shadows along with more than 11 million other illegal immigrants.

Obama has hundreds of these but I am sure that is different!

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The requirement ro leave the state is BS. If you want to let him out, you should deal with him. Is that common?
The requirement ro leave the state is BS. If you want to let him out, you should deal with him. Is that common?
I've thought the U.S. should use exile more often, but I'd prefer we send them out of the country.