MLB All Star Game and other things you don’t care about

Feb 9, 2013
When I was a kid I used to really look forward to the MLB All Star game every year. I’d vote and watch the vote totals and hope for the guys I liked. These days baseball in general never crosses my mind.

If you’d have told 12 year old me there’d be a time when I couldn’t name 10 active players, much less their batting averages, ERAs, home runs, etc., I’d have laughed at you.

Strange how that happens.
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When I was a kid I used to really look forward to the MLB All Star game every year. I’d vote and watch the vote totals and hope for the guys I liked. These days baseball in general never crosses my mind.

If you’d have told 12 year old me there’d be a time when I couldn’t name 10 active players, much less their batting averages, ERAs, home runs, etc., I’d have laughed at you.

Strange how that happens.

Dan LeBatard show had a bit yesterday where they asked Stugotz if the name worked at Meadowlark Media (their company post-ESPN), or was on this year’s all star team.

I watch a decent amount of FSU baseball, and we try to go to a few each year, but I might tune into the WS, definitely never watch regular season MLB.
I'm with Rocky, it was huge when we got cable and could get TBS and WGN and I watched a ton of baseball. Would never miss an All-Star game and I was in fantasy leagues, etc. Now I have no interest in baseball at all. The last time I watched any besides the Field of Dreams games was when the Cubs won the Series.
It's hard to say how much baseball I'd watch if the Braves were still on TBS every day. I watched daily for large portions of the summer back in the day and still watched at least a couple per week before TBS stopped doing them.