More issues for Larry

So punching a board and throwing something at a wall is considered to be on par with hitting someone, or what? That's the best they could come up with for the article?
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I didn't see anything remotely surprising in there. What did the admin think they were getting when they hired him?
That's a satirical article right? Throwing things against a wall and yelling is now too much? I mean, if he was physically aggressive with players or even verbally abusive directly at a specific player(s) that would be one thing, but it's now not allowed to be visibly upset and angry in the presence of players? What a world we live in...
I had a basketball coach (varsity FB coach) freshman year in HS who would scrimmage with us and essentially throw us around to toughen us up. Once we got beyond wanting to gang up and beat his arse and realized what he was doing, it worked.
If he did now what he did then, he'd be fired, and then likely arrested 5 minutes later.

I know, CSB....
More to the story than what this article brought up. Personally the most telling part of this whole saga is that in nearly five years of coaching at Fort Collins only one player who signed as a freshman stayed for four years. During that time seven scholarship players have transferred including five starters. We would be up in arms and trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the transfers.
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I've mentioned on here before, I officiate CSU when they do their full scrimmages under Eustachey. He's been nothing but pleasant to me but there are no shortages of cuss words during his practices!
More to the story than what this article brought up. Personally the most telling part of this whole saga is that in nearly five years of coaching at Fort Collins only one player who signed as a freshman stayed for four years. During that time seven scholarship players have transferred including five starters. We would be up in arms and trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the transfers.

How very Lickliteresque of him!