More Lies from Obama! UN Report 72% of Refugees are Men!

I'll this conversation with this -

I wish nothing but the best for the refugees. If they do come here to the US I pray that they are productive members of society, make this country better for all that live here.

If just one refugee pulls off a terrorist attack I hold the POTUS and all those supporting opening the flood gates 100% accountable.
YOur thought process is shakey. I turn them away until proven safe, if they are cleared by strict security checks (not an open door policy) I will feel much better. If you wish to openly take them without due diligence then shame on you for not caring about your family, friends, fellow Americans first.

I bet you would have been all for Internment Camps for Japanese-Americans in the 1940's, as well.
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I'll this conversation with this -

I wish nothing but the best for the refugees. If they do come here to the US I pray that they are productive members of society, make this country better for all that live here.

If just one refugee pulls off a terrorist attack I hold the POTUS and all those supporting opening the flood gates 100% accountable.

Well...that'll be appropriate when the floodgates open. LOL
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No kidding. We'll simply be overrun by the 10-20,000 Syrian refugees trickling in over the next couple of years!

Is it 10-20,000? I've heard all kinds of numbers. Link with current info on the total amount we plan to take in over the next few years?
There are huge grey areas when it comes to this whole refugee crisis. There are stories such as yours (The wife and I have become acquainted with a Syrian family that came in last year, Father is a Doctor...both kids going to the grundschule (grade school) and doing well. Kids are pretty amazing actually, have basically learned German in less than a year)

There are also many here in Germany that really aren't refugees but have slipped in on the refugees coat tails (folks from all over the middle east, Northern Africa and even old eastern bloc European countries)

Almost all the Germans I'm acquainted with just want the migrants to be screened and their influx controlled. The government initially said 800,000 but the number looks to be closer to 2 million when all is said and done and many Germans are asking "How do we integrate this many" and "How do we pay for this" and "Where do we house them".

These are legit questions and I think the German government made a critical error in allowing a basically unfettered flow of refugees/migrants.
Let see what Germans are saying in 3-5 years when the majority of these 2 million fail to assimilate and grow disenchanted with their new country.
How difficult is it for you to understand that these people are running in terror for their lives? You think they want to leave their homeland with nothing but the clothes on their back? They're running from war and death and you want to turn them away because you're scared of them because they're different than you. That's pathetic and weak and un-American.
No one is suggesting they be turned away bc they are different than us, but of course you'd play the race card to try to prove your weak point. It's all you have in this debate.
Let see what Germans are saying in 3-5 years when the majority of these 2 million fail to assimilate and grow disenchanted with their new country.
And this might be the real problem. I bet it will be pretty easy for that Syrian to fly from Berlin to NYC a year from now.
No one is suggesting they be turned away bc they are different than us, but of course you'd play the race card to try to prove your weak point. It's all you have in this debate.
Except for the Republican candidates. They are playing the religion card. No Muslims allowed.
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