More required reading for libs complaining of Trump birthright EO

Gus is dead

HB All-American
Aug 14, 2022

Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as cut and dried, was stupid.

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Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.

How do you think it will end up?

Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.

Here’s what I’ve read on this that contradicts this article. The 14th amendment deals solely and absolutely with the child. Not the parents. Arguments about the parents are irrelevant because there is nothing about the parents in the 14th amendment. A child born to diplomats in the US has at birth a diplomatic passport, falling under the 14th. At the time of passage, native Americans were citizens of their tribe and fell under the 14th.

There’s no similar circumstances that apply to the children of illegal immigrants at birth. We all understand that won’t matter in the end. In all likelihood the SCOTUS will make something up or find something in an obscure 19th century text that they will rely on as absolute precedent.
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Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.

Oh great, somebody wrote an article. Yeah boy sure, that obviously throws out the plain text of the amendment and all the jurisprudence regarding it since it became a part of the constitution. See what your Reagan judge said about Trump's Executive Order this week in an actual court of law.

You're just reinforcing that you're lawless fascists with this type of nonsense.

Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.


The Federalist Society. Nuff said.
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Here’s what I’ve read on this that contradicts this article. The 14th amendment deals solely and absolutely with the child. Not the parents. Arguments about the parents are irrelevant because there is nothing about the parents in the 14th amendment. A child born to diplomats in the US has at birth a diplomatic passport, falling under the 14th. At the time of passage, native Americans were citizens of their tribe and fell under the 14th.

There’s no similar circumstances that apply to the children of illegal immigrants at birth. We all understand that won’t matter in the end. In all likelihood the SCOTUS will make something up or find something in an obscure 19th century text that they will rely on as absolute precedent.
But, when this gay couple is deported, who will tend their little anchor babies in America? >

The only legal issue is dems abusing the law and manipulating obvious language to fit their political desires. For some reason those desires are very centered around having a serf class to pick crops for them.
Nice troll job Scruddy. Even you are smart enough to know the judge who just threw out the EO was appointed by Reagan and not a dem. By all means troll away, just remember people who throw shit at the wall usually get it all over them as well.
Nice troll job Scruddy. Even you are smart enough to know the judge who just threw out the case was appointed by Reagan and not a dem. By all means troll away, just remember people who throw shit at the wall usually get it all over them as well.
Are you saying he's senile, because that would be my guess looking the ruling he made?
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Are you saying he's senile, because that would be my guess looking the ruling he made?
Well considering the many decades of precedence on this matter I would assume he thinks it was laughable as he indicated in the text of his ruling.

Having said that, I do believe the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump as enough of them are bought and paid for by right wing interests to win the day.
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People like you are beyond hope. Anyone who doesn’t agree with your thinking is a fascist.

For the record, I don’t think this will go how I want it to, just a hope. But there is an argument to be had but it’s a long shot.
Oh FFS, there isn't any argument on this issue. It's an amendment to the constitution and you can't overturn it by an Executive order or creating arguments out of thin air that have never ever been taken seriously when it comes to this amendment. Only lawless fascists would try to make these types of arguments.

You don't like it, follow the rules/law and amend the constitution.

“I have been on the bench for over four decades. I can’t remember another case where the question presented was as clear,” Coughenour said.

“Where were the lawyers” when the decision to sign the executive order was made, the judge asked. He said that it “boggled” his mind that a member of the bar would claim the order was constitutional."
Well considering the many decades of precedence on this matter I would assume he thinks it was laughable as he indicated in the text of his ruling.

Having said that, I do believe the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump as enough of them are bought and paid for by right wing interests to win the day.
All that precedent is set in a timeframe when America needed/wanted unlimited bodies and was never meant to be a bonus for criminal invaders.
People like you are beyond hope. Anyone who doesn’t agree with your thinking is a fascist.

For the record, I don’t think this will go how I want it to, just a hope. But there is an argument to be had but it’s a long shot.
That's not what he said. The xenophobic language and motivations behind the birthright EO is fascist. You saying "No it's not" doesn't change the fact that it is. Maybe instead of just deciding all criticism claiming you are fascist is wrong, you should start looking at why people keep calling you fascist.
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All that precedent is set in a timeframe when America needed/wanted unlimited bodies and was never meant to be a bonus for criminal invaders.
Babies born in America are criminal invaders? What crime did the fetus commit to be labeled a criminal? What agency did they have when they committed that crime?

For the record I am ok with a constitutional change to remove birthright citizenship. What I am not ok with is changing the constitution via EO (likely soon to be validated by an unethical Supreme Court).
Babies born in America are criminal invaders? What crime did the fetus commit to be labeled a criminal? What agency did they have when they committed that crime?

For the record I am ok with a constitutional change to remove birthright citizenship. What I am not ok with is changing the constitution via EO (likely soon to be validated by an unethical Supreme Court).
Didn't say the unborn human beings committed any crime. I said they shouldn't receive the bonus of US citizenship due to their criminal parents being criminals. If daddy robs a bank and gets caught but has already given the money to little Johnny, does little Johnny have to give the money back to the bank or does he get to keep it because he didn't commit the crime??
Babies born in America are criminal invaders? What crime did the fetus commit to be labeled a criminal? What agency did they have when they committed that crime?

For the record I am ok with a constitutional change to remove birthright citizenship. What I am not ok with is changing the constitution via EO (likely soon to be validated by an unethical Supreme Court).
We have an X president who belongs on Gitmo! Why should any heir of any of these people benefit one scintilla from all of this wrongdoing >


Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.

Makes so much sense you read the federalist. You really check all the boxes.
We have an X president who belongs on Gitmo! Why should any heir of any of these people benefit one scintilla from all of this wrongdoing >

Why stop there? Let’s pass all the sins of the parents onto their children. If your dad committed a murder make the kid pay restitution to the victim. If your parent is caught drunk driving make the kids clean up trash on the side of the road.

Given the hate and violence you preach I would not be surprised if you grew up in a criminal household yourself. Should we lock you up if your dad was a deadbeat loser and your mom a whore?
Why stop there? Let’s pass all the sins of the parents onto their children. If your dad committed a murder make the kid pay restitution to the victim. If your parent is caught drunk driving make the kids clean up trash on the side of the road.

Given the hate and violence you preach I would not be surprised if you grew up in a criminal household yourself. Should we lock you up if your dad was a deadbeat loser and your mom a whore?
That makes zero sense and does not parallel my point in anyway. You're just another psycho, paranoid, axe grinding hater of America.
That's not what he said. The xenophobic language and motivations behind the birthright EO is fascist. You saying "No it's not" doesn't change the fact that it is. Maybe instead of just deciding all criticism claiming you are fascist is wrong, you should start looking at why people keep calling you fascist.
You and PJ are both wrong, as usual. You have no idea of what the motivations are. That is nothing more than your opinion, as wrong and dumb as it is, it’s an opinion. Instead of claiming everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a fascist start looking at why people calling you stupid and a big part of the lefts problem.

For PJ, this is following the law you dunce. EO is ordered, court stops it, now we will ultimately find out what SCOTUS decides. What about this was hard for you to figure out?
All that precedent is set in a timeframe when America needed/wanted unlimited bodies and was never meant to be a bonus for criminal invaders.
You seem to be saying that the constitution has inherent flexibility assumed within the document. That times change and allow for a different interpretation than what was originally intended. Maybe you should school Clarence Thomas as it pertains to the 2nd.
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You seem to be saying that the constitution has inherent flexibility assumed within the document. That times change and allow for a different interpretation than what was originally intended. Maybe you should school Clarence Thomas as it pertains to the 2nd.
Yup, times change! Dems have allowed crime to run so rampant, the 2A should DEMAND all citizens own a weapon!
That makes zero sense and does not parallel my point in anyway. You're just another psycho, paranoid, axe grinding hater of America.
You said babies born on US soil to illegals “shouldn't receive the bonus of US citizenship due to their criminal parents being criminals”. You are taking away the constitutionally protected right of citizenship from someone whose parent committed a crime. I then extended that - if we are allowed to take away birthrights given by the constitution simply because of what parents do then by obvious extension we can take away other rights and apply other penalties based on what parents have done.

I know it might be hard for you to connect two dots in a straight line, but that doesn’t mean the dots are hard to connect for most people with at least a modicum of intelligence. Anyway, arguing with you is pointless. Enjoy your day and try to spread a bit of love in the world. Your heart is so full of hate I worry for your mental health.
Here’s what I’ve read on this that contradicts this article. The 14th amendment deals solely and absolutely with the child. Not the parents. Arguments about the parents are irrelevant because there is nothing about the parents in the 14th amendment. A child born to diplomats in the US has at birth a diplomatic passport, falling under the 14th. At the time of passage, native Americans were citizens of their tribe and fell under the 14th.

There’s no similar circumstances that apply to the children of illegal immigrants at birth. We all understand that won’t matter in the end. In all likelihood the SCOTUS will make something up or find something in an obscure 19th century text that they will rely on as absolute precedent.
I disagree.
Oh great, somebody wrote an article. Yeah boy sure, that obviously throws out the plain text of the amendment and all the jurisprudence regarding it since it became a part of the constitution. See what your Reagan judge said about Trump's Executive Order this week in an actual court of law.

You're just reinforcing that you're lawless fascists with this type of nonsense.
Somebody Ilhan? That somebody is, from the article, "Matthew Raymer is a former chief counsel at the Republican National Committee and a recent resident fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics."

The jurisprudence hasn't dealt with this exact topic at hand.

I am about original intent. If the court finds that the framers, in their writings, meant this to cover anyone and everyone, I am ok with that. I am not persuaded by precedent if precedent isnt in keeping with original intent.

I also don't care that they couldn't have anticipated this issue when the Amendment was crafted. I don't have a dog in this fight really. I can see both sides for sure. I also happen to be very interested, as a hobby of sorts, in constitutional law so this intrigues me, as do the arguments.
Makes so much sense you read the federalist. You really check all the boxes.
I love the Federalist you bet. Guilty as charged.

Its required reading for conservative thinkers. It also tends toward content the average liberal can't understand so in some ways it is written in sort of a highbrow, uber-intelligent code, foreign to your average commie.
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Right back at ya.

Yep, it is a right leaning publication. Agreed.
Well considering the many decades of precedence on this matter I would assume he thinks it was laughable as he indicated in the text of his ruling.

Having said that, I do believe the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump as enough of them are bought and paid for by right wing interests to win the day.
Not a chance.