More required reading for libs complaining of Trump birthright EO

Well considering the many decades of precedence on this matter I would assume he thinks it was laughable as he indicated in the text of his ruling.

Having said that, I do believe the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump as enough of them are bought and paid for by right wing interests to win the day.
If you don't know what form of a word to use, to apply to a certain context, I'd suggest looking it up first.
I love the Federalist you bet. Guilty as charged.

It’s required reading for conservative thinkers. It also tends toward content the average liberal can't understand so in some ways it is written in sort of a highbrow, uber-intelligent code, foreign to your average commie.
Oh man thanks for that hilarious reply, really living up to your character. You’re the post-playing career Derek Fisher of this place. I thoroughly enjoy your posts.

Seems some legal scholars gave a different take.

And I was lead to believe that anyone that didn't see this issue as city and dried was stupid.

Cut and dried my man. Glass houses…

Right back at ya.

Yep, it is a right leaning publication. Agreed.
So I wouldn't take that as solid information that Trump is on the right track for saying birthright citizenship isn't currently a given.
Birthright citizenship needs to go away. But you can’t change the constitution with an executive order. Get it done the right way.
You and PJ are both wrong, as usual. You have no idea of what the motivations are. That is nothing more than your opinion, as wrong and dumb as it is, it’s an opinion. Instead of claiming everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a fascist start looking at why people calling you stupid and a big part of the lefts problem.

For PJ, this is following the law you dunce. EO is ordered, court stops it, now we will ultimately find out what SCOTUS decides. What about this was hard for you to figure out?
Donald John Trump took this oath on the day he became President: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

And then his first day he broke his oath and pissed all over the constitution. If you want to amend the constitution, amend the constitution, that's "following the law you dunce". You don't issue Executive Orders that are facially unconstitutional.