Most Big Ten teams are killing it in the portal. We better get an administration committed to the portal or it's a self inflicted death penalty.

There's certainly a few Big Ten teams that are doing well in the portal--but most of those teams are the ones that are replacing entire starting lineups/rosters. There are also teams that will be good next year such as Purdue that rarely utilize the portal if at all.

There's certainly a few Big Ten teams that are doing well in the portal--but most of those teams are the ones that are replacing entire starting lineups/rosters. There are also teams that will be good next year such as Purdue that rarely utilize the portal if at all.
If we land a decent big I’ll call it a success considering the lack of NIL $$$
If we land a decent big I’ll call it a success considering the lack of NIL $$$
100%. Iowa's roster didn't need a ton of help contrary to popular opinion. The core 3 of Dix, Payton and Freeman is about as good of a returning 3 in the entire conference. I know this goes against the angry mob's argument here, but a lot of coaches would be very envious of Iowa's roster retention ability in recent years (with a few minor exceptions). The fact that guys like Dix and Freeman aren't jumping into the portal looking for big pay days is a massive win for Fran and the program and likely speaks to a fantastic culture here. Because as we know, those guys are taking a paycut by staying here in all reality.
100%. Iowa's roster didn't need a ton of help contrary to popular opinion. The core 3 of Dix, Payton and Freeman is about as good of a returning 3 in the entire conference. I know this goes against the angry mob's argument here, but a lot of coaches would be very envious of Iowa's roster retention ability in recent years (with a few minor exceptions). The fact that guys like Dix and Freeman aren't jumping into the portal looking for big pay days is a massive win for Fran and the program and likely speaks to a fantastic culture here. Because as we know, those guys are taking a paycut by staying here in all reality.
Freeman especially would be in for a pretty big pay day.
100%. Iowa's roster didn't need a ton of help contrary to popular opinion. The core 3 of Dix, Payton and Freeman is about as good of a returning 3 in the entire conference. I know this goes against the angry mob's argument here, but a lot of coaches would be very envious of Iowa's roster retention ability in recent years (with a few minor exceptions). The fact that guys like Dix and Freeman aren't jumping into the portal looking for big pay days is a massive win for Fran and the program and likely speaks to a fantastic culture here. Because as we know, those guys are taking a paycut by staying here in all reality.

By my count since roughly 2014, Fran has donated to portal Fleming, Christian Williams, Ellingson, Wagner, Pemsl, Hutton, Dailey, Johnson, Dickinson, Moss, Fredrick,Ogundele, Ulis, Perkins, JoeT, Bowen and brought in Uthoff, Bakari, Rebracca, and Krikke. Of the guys that transferred out 13 were African American and 3 were white. The guys Fran brought in ---3 white guys and 1 African American...with another African American likely signed this year.

The guys portal-ing out are mostly African Americans (13/16)...doesn't speak well of an environment of retention for African American athletes. Fran roster's are lacking in African American recruited players in perentages (college average 50%) and yet the guys leaving are mostly African American. Part of the explanation is most of the African American player's fran has recruited aren't very good...but JoeT, Moss, Perkins were good players, and they left early. So why does Fran get a free pass for seemingly prefering white players on recruiting trail (vs other coaches) or not being able to recruit good black players? If Fran's system were treating black athletes so well, why do nearly all of them leave Fran to go play for someone else?

It is true the White guys Fran recruits mostly stay in the program, especially the ones that are native Iowans.

Iowa finished 10-11 in All Big10 games including BTT. We return 3 of 5 starters from a average/below average type Big10 team.---ie. if your record is less thatn 0.500 you are not above average. That doesn't scream we're set to Rock the Big10 conference next year. Fran has NIL excuse for not winning in Portal---but raising NIL money should be part of his job description.

Yeah I did donate to swarm because I hoped we'd try to retain Perkins. I like our guys, but things don't look bright. Women's Basketball has eclipsed the men's program and board is mostly dead on men's basketball.
By my count since roughly 2014, Fran has donated to portal Fleming, Christian Williams, Ellingson, Wagner, Pemsl, Hutton, Dailey, Johnson, Dickinson, Moss, Fredrick,Ogundele, Ulis, Perkins, JoeT, Bowen and brought in Uthoff, Bakari, Rebracca, and Krikke. Of the guys that transferred out 13 were African American and 3 were white. The guys Fran brought in ---3 white guys and 1 African American...with another African American likely signed this year.

The guys portal-ing out are mostly African Americans (13/16)...doesn't speak well of an environment of retention for African American athletes. Fran roster's are lacking in African American recruited players in perentages (college average 50%) and yet the guys leaving are mostly African American. Part of the explanation is most of the African American player's fran has recruited aren't very good...but JoeT, Moss, Perkins were good players, and they left early. So why does Fran get a free pass for seemingly prefering white players on recruiting trail (vs other coaches) or not being able to recruit good black players? If Fran's system were treating black athletes so well, why do nearly all of them leave Fran to go play for someone else?

It is true the White guys Fran recruits mostly stay in the program, especially the ones that are native Iowans.

Iowa finished 10-11 in All Big10 games including BTT. We return 3 of 5 starters from a average/below average type Big10 team.---ie. if your record is less thatn 0.500 you are not above average. That doesn't scream we're set to Rock the Big10 conference next year. Fran has NIL excuse for not winning in Portal---but raising NIL money should be part of his job description.

Yeah I did donate to swarm because I hoped we'd try to retain Perkins. I like our guys, but things don't look bright. Women's Basketball has eclipsed the men's program and board is mostly dead on men's basketball.
Maybe the classes at Iowa were too hard?
By my count since roughly 2014, Fran has donated to portal Fleming, Christian Williams, Ellingson, Wagner, Pemsl, Hutton, Dailey, Johnson, Dickinson, Moss, Fredrick,Ogundele, Ulis, Perkins, JoeT, Bowen and brought in Uthoff, Bakari, Rebracca, and Krikke. Of the guys that transferred out 13 were African American and 3 were white. The guys Fran brought in ---3 white guys and 1 African American...with another African American likely signed this year.

The guys portal-ing out are mostly African Americans (13/16)...doesn't speak well of an environment of retention for African American athletes. Fran roster's are lacking in African American recruited players in perentages (college average 50%) and yet the guys leaving are mostly African American. Part of the explanation is most of the African American player's fran has recruited aren't very good...but JoeT, Moss, Perkins were good players, and they left early. So why does Fran get a free pass for seemingly prefering white players on recruiting trail (vs other coaches) or not being able to recruit good black players? If Fran's system were treating black athletes so well, why do nearly all of them leave Fran to go play for someone else?

It is true the White guys Fran recruits mostly stay in the program, especially the ones that are native Iowans.

Iowa finished 10-11 in All Big10 games including BTT. We return 3 of 5 starters from a average/below average type Big10 team.---ie. if your record is less thatn 0.500 you are not above average. That doesn't scream we're set to Rock the Big10 conference next year. Fran has NIL excuse for not winning in Portal---but raising NIL money should be part of his job description.

Yeah I did donate to swarm because I hoped we'd try to retain Perkins. I like our guys, but things don't look bright. Women's Basketball has eclipsed the men's program and board is mostly dead on men's basketball.
We have a Winner!

There's certainly a few Big Ten teams that are doing well in the portal--but most of those teams are the ones that are replacing entire starting lineups/rosters. There are also teams that will be good next year such as Purdue that rarely utilize the portal if at all.
Again, thanks for maintaining this very helpful grid. Never has the phrase " can't know the team without a roster " is more applicable than now.

I know it's early in roster development but no team looks great on paper right now.
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By my count since roughly 2014, Fran has donated to portal Fleming, Christian Williams, Ellingson, Wagner, Pemsl, Hutton, Dailey, Johnson, Dickinson, Moss, Fredrick,Ogundele, Ulis, Perkins, JoeT, Bowen and brought in Uthoff, Bakari, Rebracca, and Krikke. Of the guys that transferred out 13 were African American and 3 were white. The guys Fran brought in ---3 white guys and 1 African American...with another African American likely signed this year.
Of the guys you listed as transferring out, who was an actual loss to the program? Moss, Frederick (debatable), Perkins and Joe T?
I think you bring up a totally fair thing to discuss as it relates to black players. I'm not sure what the answer is to tell you the truth. As far as I know, none of those guys have stated they left due to culture or issues with Fran--they left due to guys in front of them being better and the writing was on the wall as to what their playing time was going to look like. I mean, of the ones you listed, how many of them finished their playing careers at a mid or low major? Pemsl, Moss, Frederick, Perkins, Ulis and Joe T are the only ones off the top of my head that went to a power conference team.
We return 3 of 5 starters from a average/below average type Big10 team.---ie. if your record is less thatn 0.500 you are not above average. That doesn't scream we're set to Rock the Big10 conference next year.
I mean, sure if you just look at that sentence without context is doesn't sound great. But are you really trying to argue that returning the Big Ten Freshman of the year, a guy who is currently being projected to be a 2nd round draft pick who averaged 16+ ppg are not good returners? That's not even mentioning Dix who anyone who watches Big Ten basketball closely knows is on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a very good and consistent player (not to mention, our best perimeter defender).

IDK man, seems like you're just grasping if you don't think those 3 are a very good core group to build a roster around.
Pemsl played four years and graduated or was close.. He had another eligible year and went to Virginia Tech. It seems he went early, because he played with guys like Bohannon and Connor Mac who were here, literally, forever.
I mean, sure if you just look at that sentence without context is doesn't sound great. But are you really trying to argue that returning the Big Ten Freshman of the year, a guy who is currently being projected to be a 2nd round draft pick who averaged 16+ ppg are not good returners? That's not even mentioning Dix who anyone who watches Big Ten basketball closely knows is on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a very good and consistent player (not to mention, our best perimeter defender).

IDK man, seems like you're just grasping if you don't think those 3 are a very good core group to build a roster around.
Not to mentuin Dembele and Harding played much better as the season progressed. Pryce needs to get stronger. Koch is the real deal and will play a lot of minutes. I really like how athletic Tadjo looks on film also.

Looking at departures vs incoming players. Fran got a very good point guard from the portal to take Perks minutes. Anbody taking PMac's minutes will play with more intensity. Both Dembele and Tado will offset Krikke, especially on defense and rebounding.

We'll have to wsit until ot all shakes out.
Thoughts about the looks like a church team roster, or does your outrage only go in one direction?
Asking a question is “outrage”? Okay.

The poster you’re referring to has also commented on the OT board that “the browning of America is a bad thing,” so it’s been well established he is an equal opportunity racist.

As expected, Rico won’t answer the question and will hide behind the childish retort “he started it.”

And, as you have aptly demonstrated, your “outrage” is one directional, also as expected.
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Asking a question is “outrage”? Okay.

The poster you’re referring to has also commented on the OT board that “the browning of America is a bad thing,” so it’s been well established he is an equal opportunity racist.

As expected, Rico won’t answer the question and will hide behind the childish retort “he started it.”

And, as you have aptly demonstrated, your “outrage” is one directional, also as expected.
Calling someone a racist isn’t a question. Phrase it however you want. You have quite a pattern yourself and like to throw accusations around from your progressive perch.
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Calling someone a racist isn’t a question. Phrase it however you want. You have quite a pattern yourself and like to throw accusations around from your progressive perch.
I did phrase it however I wanted. It was in the form of an interrogative statement, as in a question, which was obvious to everyone with an understanding of basic conventions in English. Your lack of understanding is a you problem.

The fact you seem to be following my “pattern” around here, as you claim, and have reached the conclusion I am a “progressive” is yet further evidence you are in fact a ****ing idiot.

@Chishawk1425, @Huey Grey, @Tom Paris, this clown actually thinks I’m a progressive. 😆
  • Haha
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I did phrase it however I wanted. It was in the form of an interrogative statement, as in a question, which was obvious to everyone with an understanding of basic conventions in English. Your lack of understanding is a you problem.

The fact you seem to be following my “pattern” around here, as you claim, and have reached the conclusion I am a “progressive” is yet further evidence you are in fact a ****ing idiot.

@Chishawk1425, @Huey Grey, @Tom Paris, this clown actually thinks I’m a progressive. 😆
I did phrase it however I wanted. It was in the form of an interrogative statement, as in a question, which was obvious to everyone with an understanding of basic conventions in English. Your lack of understanding is a you problem.

The fact you seem to be following my “pattern” around here, as you claim, and have reached the conclusion I am a “progressive” is yet further evidence you are in fact a ****ing idiot.

@Chishawk1425, @Huey Grey, @Tom Paris, this clown actually thinks I’m a progressive. 😆
I mean, to be fair, you're probably pretty progressive from where you were 8 years ago. Yes? No? Maybe? lol
  • Haha
Reactions: RagnarLothbrok
Asking a question is “outrage”? Okay.

The poster you’re referring to has also commented on the OT board that “the browning of America is a bad thing,” so it’s been well established he is an equal opportunity racist.

As expected, Rico won’t answer the question and will hide behind the childish retort “he started it.”

And, as you have aptly demonstrated, your “outrage” is one directional, also as expected.
The browning of America means what?

I have zero problem with legal immigration, I have 100% issue with illegal immigration and the criminals who are here illegally.

I have 100% issues with Bidens open border policy, we as a nation will suffer greatly from it at some point.

You practice the do as I say not as I do liberal mantra.
The browning of America means what?

I have zero problem with legal immigration, I have 100% issue with illegal immigration and the criminals who are here illegally.

I have 100% issues with Bidens open border policy, we as a nation will suffer greatly from it at some point.

You practice the do as I say not as I do liberal mantra.
I was referring to curtisj. He’s the one who said that.

I have openly stated my view on illegal immigration on the OT board and have been very critical of the Biden administration.
Looking at departures vs incoming players. Fran got a very good point guard from the portal to take Perks minutes. Anbody taking PMac's minutes will play with more intensity. Both Dembele and Tado will offset Krikke, especially on defense and rebounding.
Even without seeing Koch and Tadjo on the floor yet I'd take those 2 plus Dembele over Krikke and PMac every day of the week.
100%. Iowa's roster didn't need a ton of help contrary to popular opinion. The core 3 of Dix, Payton and Freeman is about as good of a returning 3 in the entire conference. I know this goes against the angry mob's argument here, but a lot of coaches would be very envious of Iowa's roster retention ability in recent years (with a few minor exceptions). The fact that guys like Dix and Freeman aren't jumping into the portal looking for big pay days is a massive win for Fran and the program and likely speaks to a fantastic culture here. Because as we know, those guys are taking a paycut by staying here in all reality.
I like those three players...but 3, especially with 2 of them only sophomores, does not a roster make. They need lots of help. I would suggest a true five and a true PG, even for depth, are minimums.
I like those three players...but 3, especially with 2 of them only sophomores, does not a roster make. They need lots of help. I would suggest a true five and a true PG, even for depth, are minimums.
Owen is a true 5 until he can prove that he has a consistent jump shot.
And we got a true PG--one who was top 15 in the entire country in assists last year.

Also, Dix is a junior and Payton is a senior? So not sure why you said 2 of them are sophs.
Owen is a true 5 until he can prove that he has a consistent jump shot.
And we got a true PG--one who was top 15 in the entire country in assists last year.

Also, Dix is a junior and Payton is a senior? So not sure why you said 2 of them are sophs.
My error. I thought you had mentioned Freeman and Harding along with Payton, but see now it was Dix rather than Harding. My reference to a PG was not in forgetting they got one already, but rather responding to the comment the roster (before portal adds) didn't need much help. I still think the Hawks need another 5. There is good young talent with some coming in, but I don't count on Mulvey for anything until proven otherwise, and feel Freeman's pro options are not at the five so he will be wanting a chance to develop his face-up game. Hawks would likely love a stretch 4 that can shoot and play D, but feel getting a defensive 5 might be easier and more affordable. Just an opinion.
Illinois forward Goode is now in portal and might be worth a look by Iowa.
My error. I thought you had mentioned Freeman and Harding along with Payton, but see now it was Dix rather than Harding. My reference to a PG was not in forgetting they got one already, but rather responding to the comment the roster (before portal adds) didn't need much help. I still think the Hawks need another 5. There is good young talent with some coming in, but I don't count on Mulvey for anything until proven otherwise, and feel Freeman's pro options are not at the five so he will be wanting a chance to develop his face-up game. Hawks would likely love a stretch 4 that can shoot and play D, but feel getting a defensive 5 might be easier and more affordable. Just an opinion.
5s are way more expensive in the portal than guards or wings. There's just way too few of them and every power conference team wants a couple. We are overloaded at forward/bigs as is. Taking Cross as our starting 4 sounds like it's the current plan. That leaves the last open scholarship to go out and get either a late 2024 guard or a guard via the portal who is okay coming off the bench.
By my count since roughly 2014, Fran has donated to portal Fleming, Christian Williams, Ellingson, Wagner, Pemsl, Hutton, Dailey, Johnson, Dickinson, Moss, Fredrick,Ogundele, Ulis, Perkins, JoeT, Bowen and brought in Uthoff, Bakari, Rebracca, and Krikke. Of the guys that transferred out 13 were African American and 3 were white. The guys Fran brought in ---3 white guys and 1 African American...with another African American likely signed this year.

The guys portal-ing out are mostly African Americans (13/16)...doesn't speak well of an environment of retention for African American athletes. Fran roster's are lacking in African American recruited players in perentages (college average 50%) and yet the guys leaving are mostly African American. Part of the explanation is most of the African American player's fran has recruited aren't very good...but JoeT, Moss, Perkins were good players, and they left early. So why does Fran get a free pass for seemingly prefering white players on recruiting trail (vs other coaches) or not being able to recruit good black players? If Fran's system were treating black athletes so well, why do nearly all of them leave Fran to go play for someone else?

It is true the White guys Fran recruits mostly stay in the program, especially the ones that are native Iowans.

Iowa finished 10-11 in All Big10 games including BTT. We return 3 of 5 starters from a average/below average type Big10 team.---ie. if your record is less thatn 0.500 you are not above average. That doesn't scream we're set to Rock the Big10 conference next year. Fran has NIL excuse for not winning in Portal---but raising NIL money should be part of his job description.

Yeah I did donate to swarm because I hoped we'd try to retain Perkins. I like our guys, but things don't look bright. Women's Basketball has eclipsed the men's program and board is mostly dead on men's basketball.

I’m drawing a blank here, who is Johnson that transferred out? You don’t have Kyle Meyer (white), Jack Nunge (white), or PMac (white) on your list of transfers out. Brauns as a transfer in.

There's certainly a few Big Ten teams that are doing well in the portal--but most of those teams are the ones that are replacing entire starting lineups/rosters. There are also teams that will be good next year such as Purdue that rarely utilize the portal if at all.
How do you end up with 8 of 11 guys being white? Seems weird.
How do you end up with 8 of 11 guys being white? Seems weird.
7 of the 8 are local kids:
Payton, Pryce, Dix, Brauns--all from Iowa
Koch, Freeman, and Harding--all from Illinois

I don't think there is anything more to this other than "local kids go to the local school" type of deal.

It's also not like Iowa was the only ones recruiting these kids--Payton, Pryce, Freeman, Dix and Koch all had other power 6 offers. Freeman and Koch in particular were basically offered by the entire Big Ten.
7 of the 8 are local kids:
Payton, Pryce, Dix, Brauns--all from Iowa
Koch, Freeman, and Harding--all from Illinois

I don't think there is anything more to this other than "local kids go to the local school" type of deal.

It's also not like Iowa was the only ones recruiting these kids--Payton, Pryce, Freeman, Dix and Koch all had other power 6 offers. Freeman and Koch in particular were basically offered by the entire Big Ten.
In 14 years, how many of Frans teams were majority black? Just seems weird.