Muslim flight attendant refuses to serve alcohol

may i suggest they turn to Christ to fill their wretched, pathetic, empty existence.

I can see turning to Christ has made you a very pleasant, non bitter individual. Like i said, I think I would prefer the company in hell better, but since it doesn't exist...i'm good.
I can see turning to Christ has made you a very pleasant, non bitter individual. Like i said, I think I would prefer the company in hell better, but since it doesn't exist...i'm good.
it is the secular humanist who is unpleasant, bitter and constantly angry...not i.
I can see turning to Christ has made you a very pleasant, non bitter individual. Like i said, I think I would prefer the company in hell better, but since it doesn't exist...i'm good.
i am sure you have at it bro. that doesn't hurt my feelings one bit.
i am sure you have at it bro. that doesn't hurt my feelings one bit.

i don't let some mythical, made up land of fire and eternal burning scare me into believing in a sky fairy. if you or anybody else need that, because it is hard for you to be a good person without the carrot on a stick of a eternal paradise, then you have more issues that i thought.
I only meant that the airline had to figure out a solution. They can placate her if they want and accommodate, but if her co-workers don't like it and there's not an equitable distribution of work, then the company can decide whether to keep her at the expense of losing others or they can fire her or they can marginalize her until she leaves on her own. If you're a flight attendant delivering drinks and you convert to a religion that prohibits you from delivering alcohol, then you have to know that could impact your job. Had they hired her knowing she couldn't deliver drinks, then this would all be a self-created mess....but it isn't. She converted and didn't quit, so now the ball is in the airline's court.
alright then.

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