As someone who didn't really play organized sports except one summer being forced to play on YMCA basketball team and then competitive ballroom dance in college, I really think the amount that sports prepares someone for live is highly overstated.
I just look at it as a physical activity that is fun. And that's reason enough to play them given how bad obesity and sedentary lifestyle is in our culture.
I do however think participation trophies are a bad idea because it could cause kids to believe they will be rewarded for failure. On the other hand we should also work to avoid putting kids under too much pressure to win. Sports should be fun and winning is a heck of a lot more fun then losing, and that should be reason enough for them to want to win. But it worries me if kids start to feel like adults will look down on them or care for them less if they fail to perform.
So we severely need a balance between the two extremes. And adults that verbally abuse kids at sporting events should be kicked out period. They aren't pro's who get paid to take verbal abuse from other teams fans, they aren't college athletes who are grown up enough to let it slide off their back, and they aren't even high school kids who can sort of get that this comes with the territory. An 8 year old shouldn't have to listen to adults verbally abuse them just because said adult's kid plays on the other team. . . or even plays on the same team and said adult is mad cause they think this particular kid is a bad player.
Competitive ballroom dancing?
Whatever, twinkle toes.