My Morning Facebook Post

Ok, folks, dictionary time!
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

5. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.

Huh, I didn't see in that definition where everything other than 100% is a lie. Seems you lied in this thread there Tennesee. Should you be sued for libel?
Ok, folks, dictionary time!
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

5. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.

Huh, I didn't see in that definition where everything other than 100% is a lie. Seems you lied in this thread there Tennesee. Should you be sued for libel?
Done talking with you on this bud. False statements in a story are deliberate attempts to false statement is grounds for libel. I've sunk your battleship. You are doing nothing more than saving face isn't are embarrassing yourself.
The link that YOU posted shows that the authors believed the story to be true. Sure, they admit they cut corners and didn't follow standard practices, including factchecking with persons in the story, but they, appear to have done so believing the girls story.

The really sad part, is that you can't see the purpose of what I posted. You are arguing that the media should publish something unless it is 100% true, and then you called the authors liars, something that is not 100% true....and you don't get the irony.
The link that YOU posted shows that the authors believed the story to be true. Sure, they admit they cut corners and didn't follow standard practices, including factchecking with persons in the story, but they, appear to have done so believing the girls story.

The really sad part, is that you can't see the purpose of what I posted. You are arguing that the media should publish something unless it is 100% true, and then you called the authors liars, something that is not 100% true....and you don't get the irony.
They retracted and apologized...nobody in media does that unless they have lied...end of story...Down goes the Hawk...Down goes the Hawk...Down goes the Hawk!
What an incredibly ignorant statement. Stories are retracted for being wrong, as this one was, all the time. Unless you can prove 100% that they lied, you've committed your own act of unforgivable sin. You know, irony?
What an incredibly ignorant statement. Stories are retracted for being wrong, as this one was, all the time. Unless you can prove 100% that they lied, you've committed your own act of unforgivable sin. You know, irony?
Hawk I'm going to play along with you here...because you are a persistant cuss and for some reason I like you. Let me give you this and you can give me your unvarnished opinion...which I know you will. Others are welcome to chime in. Lets say a hack publishes your coaching record 5 times...then lets say he gets very pissed because you go after him and call him a unprofessional hack. Then he writes a scathing expose calling you a liar...he says instead of over 400 wins as a coach he now says he can only "find" 97 without documenting or explaining why they stated it. Then when presented with documentation from countless other news sources including 2 state coaching associations that corroborates the record they published 5 times their response is, "Our paper does not use outside sources when publishing our stories" you want to call these people want to call them "watchdogs"...I call them frauds. The day these kind of people go out of business for good and I see them walking the streets looking for food will be a great day in this country.

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I always find it interesting how few people realize that for the vast, vast majority of American history, the "media" was never intended nor expected to be unbiased. Why do you think so many newspapers still have names like The Democrat or The Republican, etc.?

For decades and decades - dating back to the creation of the printing press - pamphlet and print media was primarily driven by specific political interests and causes. (for example, many American publications were created to fight slavery and were called the abolitionist press).

If you had a political agenda or party to promote, you bought a printing press and got to cranking. Heck, this is primarily how American colonists in favor of independence gathered support for the American Revolution.

It really wasn't until post WWII that the idea of an "unbiased" press that would give equal treatment became the alleged norm. (and many would argue that never really held true). And I'd argue that era of at least ATTEMPTING some balanced reporting only lasted until the advent and popularity of cable news networks.
Fair points, I misused the term "media," which could be just about anything. "News" channels should report news, without bias. Or disclose their angle up front for those who can't sort through it (there are many).
Lol at Tennessee, you are furious that a writer got your obviously known coaching record wrong?

Weird. Care to share clippings?
Do you realize that doesn't make a great deal of difference if you publish something that can ruin someone's life...can you say Duke lacrosse?
I don't disagree that it probably doesn't matter much to the person that has their life ruined. But you are saying somebody should have their 1st amendment rights stripped because they were wrong about something. That's ridiculous.
Lol at Tennessee, you are furious that a writer got your obviously known coaching record wrong?

Weird. Care to share clippings?
You missed the point...he used his position to lie over a grudge...and probably to make a name for himself...guy is a scumbag and is currently working his 6th job in 5 years.
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I don't disagree that it probably doesn't matter much to the person that has their life ruined. But you are saying somebody should have their 1st amendment rights stripped because they were wrong about something. That's ridiculous.
I never said that gusto....I said people in that profession should never abuse that privilege...when you publish lies or use your position to publish hit pieces then it becomes something different. Tell me you don't think for a minute this doesn't did to me. I fought back...many can't.
I've always thought the best way to make a name for yourself is to lie about a high school coach's record.
Well you know how it is with these nerds...they love to publish stories and stick them on their Twitter pages so they can feel their importance...same guy 2 years later also went after Nick it seems I am in good company.
I love this, he posts this in a thread where he is bragging about his facebook post.
Wasn't bragging big fella...just stating an opinion. You sore because I mock little nerds in the media. I have many friends in the newspaper business...have had many nice things said about me...the overwhelming number I have dealt with are honest hard working professionals who were fair but never "carried the water" for me. I had one nerd who got his pink panties in a wad because I criticized his ass so he waits 2 months after I leave the area to pen his little revenge on me. I'm guessing you were a journalism major...correct?
I never said that gusto....I said people in that profession should never abuse that privilege...when you publish lies or use your position to publish hit pieces then it becomes something different. Tell me you don't think for a minute this doesn't did to me. I fought back...many can't.

You said this in your OP. You state the Rolling Stones author should never be allowed to work in the media again.
You said this in your OP. You state the Rolling Stones author should never be allowed to work in the media again.
Ok I stand with any profession that involves consequences for malfeasance she should be barred from ever working in any journalistic capacity for the rest of her life....just as that Nifong fraud has been barred from practicing law ever again.
So John Q Public faces trial for murder. He claims throughout his is innocent. despite his claims of innocence he is found guilty. It's in all the papers, on all the channels. Everyone is talking about John Q Public killing Susie P Lunchbox (no pix). 5 years later, on appeal, DNA is entered into evidence that proves his innocence and he is released. 5 years ago he was 100% guilty according to the law but in reality he was 100% innocent. Are you saying the media lied 5 years ago when they wrote about his guilt?
So John Q Public faces trial for murder. He claims throughout his is innocent. despite his claims of innocence he is found guilty. It's in all the papers, on all the channels. Everyone is talking about John Q Public killing Susie P Lunchbox (no pix). 5 years later, on appeal, DNA is entered into evidence that proves his innocence and he is released. 5 years ago he was 100% guilty according to the law but in reality he was 100% innocent. Are you saying the media lied 5 years ago when they wrote about his guilt?
Only if the media projected John Q. Public as guilty and even led the efforts to have him convicted...they do that you know. If all they do is REPORT THE EVENTS they are doing their jobs. You see SFH that is the problem with media today...instead of just reporting the news they create it...and in many ways become a part of it...that is why they are so despised and untrustworthy.
Tennessee clearly has a deranged, wildly incorrect understanding of "Lying". Unfortunately, a lot of people these days use that word inappropriately....and often do so while "lying" themselves (using their own definition).
You're assuming people read that wall of text.
Some of us can read, and I assure you we did. I'd like to know what the hell he's talking about though. So after Ive said my piece to you, I shall scroll down further and make sense of this delicious madness.
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Poop. I'm not a fan, but it had to be said. Not of your post Tennessee, just in general. Iowahawk is posting here, so that's what has made me say it.
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The link that YOU posted shows that the authors believed the story to be true. Sure, they admit they cut corners and didn't follow standard practices, including factchecking with persons in the story, but they, appear to have done so believing the girls story.

The really sad part, is that you can't see the purpose of what I posted. You are arguing that the media should publish something unless it is 100% true, and then you called the authors liars, something that is not 100% true....and you don't get the irony.

That right there sums up your entire existence. It states as to why I'll survive and you won't.
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I hear you bud...IowaHawk has the same qualities as fingernails being scratched on a blackboard...
I don't like your NeoCon ways at times, and I'm hard on you about religion, but at least I know you're not some psychopath. IowaHawk on the other hand, he makes me happy with his quirky ways. This man needs a couple of therapy sessions and time with a good woman. Supervised of course.
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You realize that makes no sense, right? If you want a real response, actually state your reasoning.
Those who may be in line with insanity, often have a hard time understanding common knowledge. You're crazy bro, that's my reasoning. I never said that was a bad thing.