My Opinion: Open The Government, Declare Martial Law

How exactly do you fund a wall of unknown dimensions and made of unknown materials? Trump keeps changing the height, thickness, and even what this wall will be made of. It is completely ethereal even in his mind.
What a shock, some white guy commenting on some insignificant sight that he’d man up and declare martial law. What’s the color of the sky in your world buddy?
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What happened in your life iowabbforlife that you obsesse with being racist against a plethora of countries and people who haven’t affected you. It might be time, iowabbfotlife, to look in the mirror, and ask what’s with me.
What happened in your life iowabbforlife that you obsesse with being racist against a plethora of countries and people who haven’t affected you. It might be time, iowabbfotlife, to look in the mirror, and ask what’s with me.
Oh you done did it now! You calling fbnbb4life a pussy French socialist now?!
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OP, convince me that illegal immigrants have a compelling detrimental effect on myself and my family. I don't hold the issue near the top of my list of concerns. Give me reasons.

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