Narduzzi made 2 really bad decisions tonight


HB Legend
Oct 17, 2002
The punting choice on 4th down, then the TO right before the late FG were merely HUGE bad decisions.

The air went out of Pitt allowing Iowa to drive the field, then gave Marshall a free try to get limbered up.
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I honestly cannot believe they didn't go for it on 4th down there. They make that and it's pretty much game over.
I bet even Kik Ferentz thought that 4th down punt was ridiculously conservative.

I have to give it up to KF so far BTW. He been anything but too conservative this year.
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Not sure the TO before the FG made any difference. Koehn said he heard the whistle before his first attempt and just took a "practice swing" instead of trying to make it. So, make that one bad call.
He said in post game he "took a practice swing" he had already heard the wistle and didn't put his leg into it
That TO gets called more than it doesn't even by NFL coaches. I never understood why Kirk took so much heat for that against ISU. Pretty common strategy.
I honestly cannot believe they didn't go for it on 4th down there. They make that and it's pretty much game over.
Ehhh why didn't iowa go for it on 4th and inches?That was the easiest QB sneak in the world.....sure it was on their side of the field but who gives a f***...
Looks like Narduechee brought his headhunting tackle technique with him from MSU.

He also has a strand of Paul Rhodes hysteria DNA in him.
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Nardouchee. It just fits him and his team perfectly and it is fun to say. He should be referred to as such on HR from this point forward, but I guess we're done with him/them, anyway so.... never mind.
I'm just a fan of letting the kicker kick it. To me, it has a bit of a "giving a mulligan" type feel.

Ice the kicker just as they line up so the snap never happens if you do call it.
Agree on both counts. That 4th and inches was an easy QB sneak. It's pretty hard NOT to convert that. Then, Pitt's in the driver's seat. As for the icing TO I think it depends on how many TO's you have left and the score. I think it makes some sense to give the kicker more time to think about it if his team is trailing, as there's more pressure on that kick than if it's tied. In a tie game, the kicker's going to be looser, as it's just OT if he misses rather than a loss. If it's tied, I might use a TO if I have 2 or 3 TO's left, to disrupt the kicker. Then, I wouldn't call TO a second or third time, so the kicker wouldn't know whether I was going to call one again. If you get him thinking you're going to call another one and you don't it might mess with his head a little. If you have 1 TO and use it to ice him, he knows the next kick is for real, and I think that helps him.

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