Got it. No more Rounds 1,2,3 etc. They are simply:
The First Four
The Round of Sixty--Four
The Round of Thirty-Two
The Sweet Sixteen
The Elite Eight
The Final Four
The Championship
Now, The Thursday Round of Sixty-Four will include sixty pre-chosen teams and the four winners of the first four. But they should not be called the four winners as now they are simply part of the other sixty teams in the Round of Sixty-Four. Refer to any of them as a winner, and it may confuse their opponent who will then refuse to play, lodge a protest and go home.
There shall be no clear winner until every team has either lost once or played six or seven games! And, the eight teams who are the First Four will not be entirely the least thought of teams but will include some who have better seeds, should they win, than the Sixty teams already mentioned in the first paragraph.
Much of this process is called seeding. A term directly related to the idea of creating a fertile field where teams involved have the fairest chance, based on their perceived strengths, to grow, or advance in the tournament. Think of seeding as the process of creating a baby. This is an important part of the process of establishing an outstanding tournament and really all we are asking the eight First Four teams to do is go seed themselves.
We may ask what the $$%^ difference there is between sixty-four teams and sixty-eight? Especially when it took us years to establish these clear designations thus preventing further confusion. The answer is quite simple. Forty-two.
Oh, and don't forget. Four of those First Four, and not necessarily the winning four who've won nothing yet, but four for certain would have been chosen to be part of the Round of Sixty-Four without the hassle of trying to win a game when the Tournament was only Sixty-Four teams. So please don't pretend these eight First Four teams are being given some participation trophy type invite. You would only be half right.