Nebraska Tickets - How to Acquire

Murk 4 Kirk

Scout Team
Nov 10, 2010
The chips fell in my favor and now I'll be heading to Lincoln Friday. I have typically bought and sold tickets on the HR ticket forum over the past several years but that appears to be a dying component of this site. Stub Hub currently has tickets in the $150 price range (each for pairs), but having been to all but one road game this year and a CCG and then some in order, I'm hoping to find pairs at a lower price (current grad student).

1. Why did they turn the entire ticket exchange forum into a single thread (this doesn't need answered here).
2. Has anyone dealt with the scalping scene in Lincoln? Weather appears to be in line with last weeks, minus the foot of snow. Any impact?
3. Are there any ticket exchange alternatives for Hawks fans outside of Stub Hub?
Here is another handy piece of information. UN fans can leave the stadium and later return. To do so they need to have their ticket scanned upon exit.

Hang out by an exit and offer a fan a few bucks to scan their ticket.
93.7 the ticket was advocating yesterday for Nebraska fans to pre-screen who they sold their tickets to and not sell them to Iowa fans. I snatched mine up on stubhub for $65/each after Nebraska lost to Miami. Granted, I did not think Iowa would be 11-0 come this time...