New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market


HR King
May 29, 2001
An international team of virus experts said on Thursday that they had found genetic data from a market in Wuhan, China, linking the coronavirus with raccoon dogs for sale there, adding evidence to the case that the worst pandemic in a century could have been ignited by an infected animal that was being dealt through the illegal wildlife trade.
The genetic data was drawn from swabs taken from in and around the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market starting in January 2020, shortly after the Chinese authorities had shut down the market because of suspicions that it was linked to the outbreak of a new virus. By then, the animals had been cleared out, but researchers swabbed walls, floors, metal cages and carts often used for transporting animal cages.
In samples that came back positive for the coronavirus, the international research team found genetic material belonging to animals, including large amounts that were a match for the raccoon dog, three scientists involved in the analysis said.
The jumbling together of genetic material from the virus and the animal does not prove that a raccoon dog itself was infected. And even if a raccoon dog had been infected, it would not be clear that the animal had spread the virus to people. Another animal could have passed the virus to people, or someone infected with the virus could have spread the virus to a raccoon dog.
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But the analysis did establish that raccoon dogs — fluffy animals that are related to foxes and are known to be able to transmit the coronavirus — deposited genetic signatures in the same place where genetic material from the virus was left, the three scientists said. That evidence, they said, was consistent with a scenario in which the virus had spilled into humans from a wild animal.

A young raccoon dog at the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City in 2015.

A young raccoon dog at the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City in 2015.Credit...Alfredo Estrella/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A report with the full details of the international research team’s findings has not yet been published. Their analysis was first reported by The Atlantic.

You're a closer relative, actually.
Maybe so. They sound cool.

You resolved.your guilt foe being white yet? I mean with a name like Tarheel representing your states poor white labor and confederate roots I get why you might have a lot of angst.

Confederate soldiers making fun of the Confederate troops by calling them the pejorative Tarheel and then those proud North Carolina Confederate warriors owning the name and getting their power back is uplifting. Disney should make a movie about it.

Good of you and your state to represent that Confederate pride so well tarheel
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Very interesting report on NPR on this issue yesterday.

Seems like scientists are increasingly confident the wet markets were ground zero.

I know this will be a grave disappointment to our dumber posters like Hawkedoff, but I for one am pleased to see work continue on tracking the origin so hopefully better preventative measures can be put in place in the future.
Very interesting report on NPR on this issue yesterday.

Seems like scientists are increasingly confident the wet markets were ground zero.

I know this will be a grave disappointment to our dumber posters like Hawkedoff, but I for one am pleased to see work continue on tracking the origin so hopefully better preventative measures can be put in place in the future.
Yeah, like don’t eat bats.
Very interesting report on NPR on this issue yesterday.

Seems like scientists are increasingly confident the wet markets were ground zero.

I know this will be a grave disappointment to our dumber posters like Hawkedoff, but I for one am pleased to see work continue on tracking the origin so hopefully better preventative measures can be put in place in the future.

China actually has a vested interest in keeping this "uncertain".

If it is confirmed to come from 'wet markets', that is another reason to close those, to prevent the next outbreak (as other outbreaks have been linked to those).

Closing the wet markets cuts off a major source of food for the people in rural areas, which will increase demand on farming and food imports. China cannot afford the civil unrest that would result from cutting off the wet markets as a food source. They'd actually prefer to pretend this was a "lab leak", to prevent any pressures to cut off wet markets as a pandemic risk.

Dumber posters like hawkedoff cannot understand this (and likewise are oblivious to the benefits it would provide to US farmers, in increasing the value of their exports), because they are spoonfed BS from the rightwing propaganda machine.
Maybe so. They sound cool.

You resolved.your guilt foe being white yet? I mean with a name like Tarheel representing your states poor white labor and confederate roots I get why you might have a lot of angst.

Confederate soldiers making fun of the Confederate troops by calling them the pejorative Tarheel and then those proud North Carolina Confederate warriors owning the name and getting their power back is uplifting. Disney should make a movie about it.

Good of you and your state to represent that Confederate pride so well tarheel you're just phoning it in. Keep shoveling. You might make a valid point one day.

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I had read - if I'm recalling correctly - that the quasi legal/mostly illegal/exotic animal/wet market industry in China is larger than our entire beef industry.

You kind of wish it was a lab leak, that would presumably be easier to prevent from reoccurring than trying to drastically change the scale/practices of an industry that large, especially in light of the denial of any responsibility.
Very interesting report on NPR on this issue yesterday.

Seems like scientists are increasingly confident the wet markets were ground zero.

I know this will be a grave disappointment to our dumber posters like Hawkedoff, but I for one am pleased to see work continue on tracking the origin so hopefully better preventative measures can be put in place in the future.
Yes. I am dumb. John Stewart and occams razor kind of dumb.

What you are pushing isn't science or scientists. It is propagnda.
I had read - if I'm recalling correctly - that the quasi legal/mostly illegal/exotic animal/wet market industry in China is larger than our entire beef industry.

You kind of wish it was a lab leak, that would presumably be easier to prevent from reoccurring than trying to drastically change the scale/practices of an industry that large, especially in light of the denial of any responsibility.
So how did the raccoon dog get it? Lol

The head of the cdc just came out a couple weeks ago and said it is almost certainly a lab leak origin and that Fauci lied.

I guess you fools love scientists until they don't goosestep to correct political narrative
What you are pushing isn't science or scientists. It is propagnda.
You got that reversed, buddy boy.

I am merely reflecting what a consensus of scientists are saying.

You are the one pushing politically motivated conspiracy.

You got that reversed, buddy boy.

I am merely reflecting what a consensus of scientists are saying.

You are the one pushing politically motivated conspiracy.

The consensus of scientists. That you said that seriously is hilarious.

Oops....there goes your narrative.

I'm sure the timing if thus brand new raccoon dog theory has nothing to do with the testimony under Oath that just occurred in the link above.
You got that reversed, buddy boy.

I am merely reflecting what a consensus of scientists are saying.

You are the one pushing politically motivated conspiracy.

Yes. I am dumb.
There ya' go.
There ya' go.
Creative editing. Nicely done. I was already convinced you were a deliberately liar. Conformation of your lack of integrity is nice though.

So yes on the confederate battle flag in your garage?

Seems fitting a person that represents in their username solidarity with confederate soldiers after all....
Very interesting report on NPR on this issue yesterday.

Seems like scientists are increasingly confident the wet markets were ground zero.

I know this will be a grave disappointment to our dumber posters like Hawkedoff, but I for one am pleased to see work continue on tracking the origin so hopefully better preventative measures can be put in place in the future.
Lol. Some people will believe anything.
Lol. Some people will believe anything.
Yes, smart people realize that outlets like the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, BBC, New Yorker and the Guardian are reporting on the issue by interviewing the actual people in the field doing the work and vetting actual experts and are not seeking to score political points at Congress.

Shame you aren't smart enough to figure that out, but not surprising.