And we all know Spike Lee is not a racist in anyway:
Filmmaker Spike Lee recently made some shocking remarks regarding the influx of white residents into traditionally black neighborhoods. Decades after the American civil rights movement marked the end of our shameful segregation policy, Lee apparently wants to bring back the institution by keeping Caucasians out of his New York neighborhood.
His lengthy
rant, complete with the liberal use of profanity, left little doubt that he wants to maintain exclude whites “in the south Bronx, in Harlem, in Bed Stuy, in Crown Heights” and other traditionally black communities.
“You can’t just come in the neighborhood and start bogarting and say, like you’re [expletive] Columbus and kill off the Native Americans,” he said. Lee asserted that whites bring with them their culture and effectively ruin the experience of being black in such neighborhoods.
Willfully ignorant of the extreme hypocrisy of supporting a policy against whites that had been used against his race in previous generations, he said “a code” exists to keep his preferred communities exclusively black.
“I mean, they just move in the neighborhood,” he said. “You just can’t come in the neighborhood.”
While he claims he is “for democracy,” he complained that whites “can’t just come in when people have a culture that’s been laid down for generations….”
The raucous noise he came to identify with these communities, he explained, is now being threatened by whites.
“There were brothers playing [expletive] African drums in Mount Morris Park for 40 years and now they can’t do it anymore because the new inhabitants said the drums are loud,” he protested.
Lee further noted that, with the gentrification of these inner-city neighborhoods, public works and other services are improved. Apparently, this is something he feels should be discouraged.