not sure we can have the herky logo due to trademark...but #HRCesspoolPride was mentioned earlier...
Correct. My brother does this kind of work, I'll ask him how we weasel around this. I don't see how combining "cesspool" with U of I marks should cause any problems.
Licensing Program. The University's logo and wordmark are registered trademarks. The Iowa Licensing Program protects the University's legal interests in those trademarks by controlling their proper use.
All merchandise bearing the marks of The University of Iowa (logo, wordmark, Tiger Hawk, Herky, etc.) must be licensed with the Iowa Licensing Program, which approves all designs of products entering the retail marketplace. In addition, the program ensures that all products and designs submitted for licensing project the proper image of the University and the athletics program. No retail outlet or vendors are exempt, including the IMU Bookstore, the Iowa Hawk Shop, Finkbine Golf Course, and projects sponsored by University departments or University-recognized student groups.