New York Times Newspaper Endorses Kasich


HB Legend
Nov 30, 2011
Today, the Editorial Board of the New York Times has
endorsed Ohio Governor Kasich as the best qualified
candidate for the GOP Presidential nomination.

They said the two leaders in the polls, Trump and Cruz
were not capable of leading our nation. The New York
Times feels that Kasich could make a difference for our
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Kasich, every time I've heard him interviewed, appears level-headed and conscientious. It's unfortunate that the direction things have taken (the Trump media phenomenon) that he is still so (relatively) unknown.
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Kasich, every time I've heard him interviewed, appears level-headed and conscientious. It's unfortunate that the direction things have taken (the Trump media phenomenon) that he is still so (relatively) unknown.
He has a lot of prick to him. I've seen two interviews where he's pretty snippy for no reason. I don't know if that was his MO while in Congress. However, as far as Republicans go he would not make a horrible President. I don't think he wants to wade knee deep into the culture wars and would be willing to compromise to achieve things.
Is this a complete and thorough examination of his politics, end of story, that's it, nothing more?

Kasich is a liberal in his beliefs and how he is. It's no secret, heck focus groups from some of the debates have called him the "biggest liberal on the stage" The times itself leans liberal, so that is why I say no surprise.
John Kasich’s Quiet Campaign To Cut Abortion Access

In June 2013, after 30 years in business, the Center for Choice performed its last abortion and closed its doors. The Toledo, Ohio, clinic had long been a target for anti-abortion activists — there was Marjorie Reed, the arsonist who set fire to the center in 1986, and a man staffers called “B.O. Bob,” a local schoolteacher who would call the clinic after hours, jamming up the voice mail box with his rants. But it was not firebombs or bellicose picketers that eventually forced the Center for Choice to close. The clinic packed it in because of a far more discreet, yet in some ways harder to ignore, incursion: a torrent of restrictions on abortions and abortion providers from Ohio’s statehouse.

Seems pretty conservative to me.
Kasich is liberal, so this comes as no surprise.
No, he's not. There's a word that may not be part of your lexicon (well, now that I think about it, lexicon may not be part of your lexicon). The word that describes Kasich is 'moderate.'

Moderates used to be an accepted wing of the republican party, but for some reason believing in evolution, rights for gays, same-sex marriage is a done issue, abortion rights (up to a point) are a woman's right and not to be determined by old men, etc., are all exclusionary criteria.
No, he's not. There's a word that may not be part of your lexicon (well, now that I think about it, lexicon may not be part of your lexicon). The word that describes Kasich is 'moderate.'

Moderates used to be an accepted wing of the republican party, but for some reason believing in evolution, rights for gays, same-sex marriage is a done issue, abortion rights (up to a point) are a woman's right and not to be determined by old men, etc., are all exclusionary criteria.

This comment only has integrity if you apply it equally to Democrats. You think Obama is a moderate? That's what is wrong with the Democrat party, they think someone who spends most of their time apologizing for the USA's existence is a moderate.
This comment only has integrity if you apply it equally to Democrats. You think Obama is a moderate? That's what is wrong with the Democrat party, they think someone who spends most of their time apologizing for the USA's existence is a moderate.
Sure, Obama's liberal in many/most regards. I'm not a democrat so feel free to use that term.

What I don't understand is why people feel the need to chastise someone for having political views that aren't solely in one camp or the other. When did it become a sin to have socially liberal views with fiscally conservative views?
There are some social issues with which he does not espouse an ultra conservative right wing nut job mindset. That does not make him 'liberal.' That makes him moderate and pragmatic.


Try and play in the sandbox without the adjective extremism.
Sure, Obama's liberal in many/most regards. I'm not a democrat so feel free to use that term.

What I don't understand is why people feel the need to chastise someone for having political views that aren't solely in one camp or the other. When did it become a sin to have socially liberal views with fiscally conservative views?

Never said it was a sin. They should be Libertarian then, not try and run for the GOP ticket as a "conservative".
Never said it was a sin. They should be Libertarian then, not try and run for the GOP ticket as a "conservative".
Kasich is a republican. That's the party to which he is registered and has been elected in previous contests and has been accepted by the party to run for the GOP presidential nomination. If you don't like it that's your problem, and frankly there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Republicans used to have 'moderates' especially in the realm of social issues. The fact so many in the GOP do not accept moderates is really a shame.
This comment only has integrity if you apply it equally to Democrats. You think Obama is a moderate? That's what is wrong with the Democrat party, they think someone who spends most of their time apologizing for the USA's existence is a moderate.
I think Clinton is a moderate. How do you like her now?
He's not a liberal but he looks terrible on TV. He has this weird tic like a meth addict or something.
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He's not a liberal but he looks terrible on TV. He has this weird tick like a meth addict or something.

I agree, I don't think he is a liberal. But if he had a liberal congress, he would easily bend to their will imo. I think he looks at Cruz like he's Hitler.
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On what issue?
He has said same sex marriage has been ruled upon by the Supreme Court and should not be an issue anymore. He's not completely militantly anti-abortion. He understands the science indicating a human contribution to global warming (note: not human cause). He's willing to work with democrats.

In other words, he's not an ultra right wing nut job.
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He has said same sex marriage has been ruled upon by the Supreme Court and should not be an issue anymore. He's not completely militantly anti-abortion. He understands the science indicating a human contribution to global warming (note: not human cause). He's willing to work with democrats.

In other words, he's not an ultra right wing nut job.
That's what passes for moderate today. I was wondering if the liberal label had any legs.
Kasich is a republican. That's the party to which he is registered and has been elected in previous contests and has been accepted by the party to run for the GOP presidential nomination. If you don't like it that's your problem, and frankly there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Republicans used to have 'moderates' especially in the realm of social issues. The fact so many in the GOP do not accept moderates is really a shame.

Right. And Bernie is a "Democrat".
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Right. And Bernie is a "Democrat".
Technically speaking, yes.

What I don't understand is why many in the GOP express any exclusionary philosophy when it comes to party membership. So what if Kasich is not a far right religious conservative like Cruz? Wouldn't it be of benefit to the party as a whole to be more 'inclusive?'

And before you make the comparison, many democrats do the very same thing.
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Another banker who believes we are not bombing enough countries. 2 strikes and doesn't deserve a 3rd. No thanks.

From his website:

18 years of national security experience. As a member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, John Kasich was a key supporter of President Ronald Reagan’s national security policies and played a role in every major national security effort that helped end the Cold War. He then went to work helping transform our military into a flexible force able to respond to more varied threats, like those we face today.

The world is more dangerous now than ever before. On-the-job training just won’t work. John Kasich doesn’t need to “read-up” on national security or foreign policy but will hit the ground running as Commander in Chief on Day One. America needs John Kasich’s experienced, steady hand to reinvigorate our military, strengthen our alliances, and start defending ourselves against those who seek to destroy freedom and harm Americans.

This guy doesn't get it. It's more of the same. He's a tool of the MIC. The world is more dangerous now because of the policies he plans to implement in hyperdrive. Reinvigorate our military? Is he kidding? Start defending ourselves? What have we been doing since WW2?
Hitler was a socialist just like Bernie, not Ted.
Ummm, you might wish to review (read: compare and contrast) the political philosophies of dictatorship vs. socialist-democrat.
Hitler despised socialism and communism. Nazism was an ideology based on race. Furthermore, Hitler sought takes rights away from workers and aimed to dismantle trade unions; very in-socialist like.

Richard Evans has a gear book about Nazism.

The Cruz comment was hyperbole, anyway.
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Yup...he's a liberal. H wants to add to the leviathan with a CIA cult of war, death and cultural Marxism.

Kasich calls for new federal agency to promote Judeo-Christian values

11/17/15 06:22 PM EST

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John Kasich would like to add a new federal agency if he becomes president: one to promote "Judeo-Christian Western values."

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, the Ohio governor said the U.S. “must be more forceful in the battle of ideas.”
"U.S. public diplomacy and international broadcasting have lost their focus on the case for Western values and ideals and effectively countering our opponents' propaganda and disinformation,” Kasich said. “I will consolidate them into a new agency that has a clear mandate to promote the core, Judeo-Christian Western values that we and our friends and allies share: the values of human rights, the values of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association."

He said the main areas of the world he would target would be Russia, China and the Middle East.

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Yup...he's a liberal. H wants to add to the leviathan with a CIA cult of war, death and cultural Marxism.

Kasich calls for new federal agency to promote Judeo-Christian values

11/17/15 06:22 PM EST

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John Kasich would like to add a new federal agency if he becomes president: one to promote "Judeo-Christian Western values."

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, the Ohio governor said the U.S. “must be more forceful in the battle of ideas.”
"U.S. public diplomacy and international broadcasting have lost their focus on the case for Western values and ideals and effectively countering our opponents' propaganda and disinformation,” Kasich said. “I will consolidate them into a new agency that has a clear mandate to promote the core, Judeo-Christian Western values that we and our friends and allies share: the values of human rights, the values of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association."

He said the main areas of the world he would target would be Russia, China and the Middle East.

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He's not a "liberal." Espousing some 'liberal' beliefs and some "conservative" beliefs does not make one either liberal OR conservative.
That makes one a what?

C'mon, I'm sure you know the word I'm looking for.
Ummm, you might wish to review (read: compare and contrast) the political philosophies of dictatorship vs. socialist-democrat.
Hitler despised socialism and communism. Nazism was an ideology based on race. Furthermore, Hitler sought takes rights away from workers and aimed to dismantle trade unions; very in-socialist like.

Richard Evans has a gear book about Nazism.

The Cruz comment was hyperbole, anyway.
National Socialist Party. Mussolini was a socialist and all the high ranking people in his fascist party came from the Socialists. They are idealogical bedfellows.The BBC ran a series on this back in 2008???
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He's not a "liberal." Espousing some 'liberal' beliefs and some "conservative" beliefs does not make one either liberal OR conservative.
That makes one a what?

C'mon, I'm sure you know the word I'm looking for.
You can't get a little bit pregnant.