New York Times Newspaper Endorses Kasich

Hitler believed in confiscating wealth for a master class. Cruz has this exact same belief. Google dispensationalism to learn more.
How was that different from the bank bailout? Buffet called it the greatest transfer of wealth.
Same team. Both fascists.
Label them as you will. The fact remains the scoreboards says this is the freest, more prosperous, healthiest time in human history. You are tilting at windmills. There are no giants to slay. We won, enjoy it.
Label them as you will. The fact remains the scoreboards says this is the freest, more prosperous, healthiest time in human history. You are tilting at windmills. There are no giants to slay. We won, enjoy it.
Freest? We are the most surveilled in human history. We incarcerate the most in the world. Where is this scoreboard you speak of?
Freest? We are the most surveilled in human history. We incarcerate the most in the world. Where is this scoreboard you speak of?
And yet there has never been an epoch of history where you had more freedom, more rights, more protections or opportunities. You are working very hard to be grumpy which could be useful if you channeled it constructively. But you channel your anger into our destruction, thus you are deserving of ridicule and pity.
And yet there has never been an epoch of history where you had more freedom, more rights, more protections or opportunities. You are working very hard to be grumpy which could be useful if you channeled it constructively. But you channel your anger into our destruction, thus you are deserving of ridicule and pity.
Reality...yes. You're living with blinders on. The world is changing in a bad way, but, you're too blind. In fact, you keep calling for more of it. You would think a wordsmith such as you would offer more facts to this thread other than grumpy and negative.
Reality...yes. You're living with blinders on. The world is changing in a bad way, but, you're too blind. In fact, you keep calling for more of it. You would think a wordsmith such as you would offer more facts to this thread other than grumpy and negative.
I learned long ago you're immune to facts. Ridicule works best to attack your world view. Pointing out your impossible notion that we can solve problems by dismantling civilization is enough to combat your sophomoric lunacy.
I learned long ago you're immune to facts. Ridicule works best to attack your world view. Pointing out your impossible notion that we can solve problems by dismantling civilization is enough to combat your sophomoric lunacy.
Do you ever offer anything to validate your wild assertions?
May be a while before @pepsicock shows up around these parts since B1G cancelled football. He quit OT a while ago and now just pops in on the football board during the season to wish the Hawkeyes well each week.
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John Kasich’s Quiet Campaign To Cut Abortion Access

In June 2013, after 30 years in business, the Center for Choice performed its last abortion and closed its doors. The Toledo, Ohio, clinic had long been a target for anti-abortion activists — there was Marjorie Reed, the arsonist who set fire to the center in 1986, and a man staffers called “B.O. Bob,” a local schoolteacher who would call the clinic after hours, jamming up the voice mail box with his rants. But it was not firebombs or bellicose picketers that eventually forced the Center for Choice to close. The clinic packed it in because of a far more discreet, yet in some ways harder to ignore, incursion: a torrent of restrictions on abortions and abortion providers from Ohio’s statehouse.

Seems pretty conservative to me.
Plus he is anti-union/labor.