NFL and NFL fans need to better

I inferred from your post that you believed the lawsuit was frivolous, from your “anything is is possible” because a lady once sued McDonald’s for spilling hot coffee on lap. Was I supposed to interpret that differently?
In terms of the potential for the fans who suffer amputations to sue and be successful, yes, I think anything is possible.

I don’t understand why you think I am saying it would be a frivolous lawsuit. I think the woman who spilled coffee on herself then sued McDonald’s and won is a relevant paralleling example. McDonald’s knew their coffee was too hot and could cause serious burns just as the NFL knew the game would be played in dangerously cold temperatures that could cause serious health risks for fans (and players) but chose to have the game played anyway. Is that not a logical connection to make in terms of the potential for legal liability on the part of the NFL?
In terms of the potential for the fans who suffer amputations to sue and be successful, yes, I think anything is possible.

I don’t understand why you think I am saying it would be a frivolous lawsuit. I think the woman who spilled coffee on herself then sued McDonald’s and won is a relevant paralleling example. McDonald’s knew their coffee was too hot and could cause serious burns just as the NFL knew the game would be played in dangerously cold temperatures that could cause serious health risks for fans (and players) but chose to have the game played anyway. Is that not a logical connection to make in terms of the potential for legal liability on the part of the NFL?
Well, chalk it up to inferring something not implied. It is just every other time I have seen someone bring up the McDonald’s case it seems it has been in the context of frivolousness. Case in point is lucious’s post right above this one.
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I can't see this being the responsibility of the NFL when fans are frostbite. If it was players it's a different story since the are essentially employed by the NFL and the NFL made them work in unsafe conditions.

Fans can choose to not go.

I do think when it's that cold they should choose to postpone the game for the safety of the players.
The stadium owners could have foreseen this and installed heated seats for the fans.

I'm sure that would only cost a couple of a million dollars.
The stadium owners could have foreseen this and installed heated seats for the fans.

I'm sure that would only cost a couple of a million

To be fair KC doesn't seem to be a team that squeezes its home city and state for a new stadium every 30 years or so.

Other teams go to their city/state and make them fork over a couple billion every 30 years or they leave.
The stadium owners could have foreseen this and installed heated seats for the fans.

I'm sure that would only cost a couple of a million dollars.
Yes, heated seats would have prevented frostbite. Once again you are a shining example of critical thinking for us all to learn from.
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Regular season should start in late July.
Football shouldn't be played when it's dead middle.of winter, it degrades the product way too much.
If you start it in July, then you're replacing frostbite with heat stoke. The problem is the 17 game schedule that forces them into one weather extreme or the other, depending on the location.
I didn’t say it would be victorious, I said it would be interesting. You are probably right, but there are concepts of premises liability, attractive nuisance, contracts of adhesion, gross negligence, etc. that a creative lawyer could advance.
You're right. They can sue. And with contingent fees there may not be any reason they won't.

It's as ridiculous as suing the U for racism when the players could have simply gone to another program.

What did they get - $2 mil?
You can't expect drunk die hard fans to do better....tho they should. NFL could have easily moved the game earlier in the day or played it on Monday.
I dunno...maybe I would have dressed better for the weather considering that those that went knew full well how cold it was going to be a good 72 hours before the game was played.

So there were what...75,000 or so fans there (for conversation's sake)? Looks to me that 74,975 or whatever knew how to dress.

I know if I went to that game, I'd have so many layers on I'd look like a polar bear.

That's not the NFL's nor the Chiefs' fault. And they weren't going to cxl/postpone the game because they knew it was going to stay cold (it was even colder the 2 days after the game was played).
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