I would assume the National Weather Service will be disbanded/privatized. He wanted to do it in the 1st term, will probably get his way in the 2nd.

We're gonna need a hard reset in 2028 like in 1932, and the current Democratic party is just so not up to it. Hopefully new, real leaders will emerge in the next several years. First prominent Dem pol that treats the 2nd Trump administration as an existential emergency for the country will have a leg up on the rest of the field. Maybe Pritzker?
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My cousin had a contract job at NIH that got cancelled.

My buddy works at NIH in I.T. and texted me this last week:

"Dude, NIH is a mess right now. I work in the office next to DEI, not sure if the few people I’ve made friends with in the office have jobs. But wait! It’s ok, because everyone has to come back to work.

When offices were downsized so they don’t even have enough desks or equipment to house everyone in that capacity."
My cousin had a contract job at NIH that got cancelled.

My buddy works at NIH in I.T. and texted me this last week:

"Dude, NIH is a mess right now. I work in the office next to DEI, not sure if the few people I’ve made friends with in the office have jobs. But wait! It’s ok, because everyone has to come back to work.

When offices were downsized so they don’t even have enough desks or equipment to house everyone in that capacity."
He has to come back to work??....Freudian slip I must have been nice getting paid to sit in the basement....and how dare anyone think otherwise...

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