

HB All-American
Mar 9, 2017
Van Nuys, California
Has anyone heard anything new on D Nixon’s status? Is he still in love with Alabama? With my black and gold glasses I say he stays true to his word after IOWA stood by him throughout his academic woes and come to Iowa ... however I wouldn’t blame him for picking Alabama because they churn out defensive linemen to the pros it seems a lot. I hope he sticks with us and tells Alabama to shove it as he might find himself without a scholarship after year one when Satan I mean Saban comes a callin to the bench to tell him he’s a preferred walk-on now or tells him to pack his bags and leave town..

But seriously, we need big bodies on the line that’s for sure and someone who can definitely get to the QB or ball carrier. Go Hawks beat the booger eaters!
Alabama actually broke a non contact rule that was in place. There was a discussion on if the staff would let him out of his LOI if he asked for it but it has never came to that. If he wants to go somewhere in December it will be Iowa. His other option would be stay at IWCC 2 years and then he is free to chose wherever is the way I understood it. (I too am excited about Nixon and think another DT that can hold up a couple linemen would be an awesome addition) I have been pretty critical of the talent level and recruiting and applaud the staff in this case for doing something a little outside the box. It sounds like Nixon is good kid who was just a little late seeing the opportunities he was going to have but really showed some determination at the end of H.S. and getting through IWCC. Can't wait.
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Well said Wasn’t ....

Alabama actually broke a non contact rule that was in place. There was a discussion on if the staff would let him out of his LOI if he asked for it but it has never came to that. If he wants to go somewhere in December it will be Iowa. His other option would be stay at IWCC 2 years and then he is free to chose wherever is the way I understood it. (I too am excited about Nixon and think another DT that can hold up a couple linemen would be an awesome addition) I have been pretty critical of the talent level and recruiting and applaud the staff in this case for doing something a little outside the box. It sounds like Nixon is good kid who was just a little late seeing the opportunities he was going to have but really showed some determination at the end of H.S. and getting through IWCC. Can't wait.
Is there any repercussion, consequence or penalty to Alabama for contacting and offering Dixon (there was an offer extended, correct?) Or, do they get to offer every kid they want who is already committed for as long as the want, and its up to the kid to say he is already signed?

I can't believe that everyone thinks they are clean on this deal and it was all on the inexperienced kid and his family.
Out of the top 224 prospects in the nation( 224 NFL players drafted), Alabama gets 12-15 or more to Iowa's 1-2 or less. Fact is, Bama has 5-7 or more 4 star kids every year that don't make it to NFL where as Iowa puts more than twice as many as projected from HS.To insinuate Alabama is a better avenue to the NFL is completely false.