No Till vs Till Farming


HB King
Gold Member
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Jasper County Soil and Water Conservation District

These samples are the same soil type and have been in a corn-bean rotation for the past 20+ years, however their treatment has been substantially different. The soil on the left has not been tilled or had anhydrous ammonia applied for over 20 years and has had a cereal rye cover crop grown after harvest for the last 5 years. The soil on the right has been tilled each year, as well has had anhydrous ammonia applied in the fall. This picture was taken about 2 minutes after the samples were submerged in water.

The tilled soil essentially “exploded” as soon as it entered the water. Repeated tillage has destroyed the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and destroying the biological “glue” that helps hold soil together, and as a result the soil has collapsed. In contrast, due to minimal soil disturbance the tillage-free soil has excellent pore space and extensive biological activity, and as a result has provided the soil with a healthy structure that can withstand the impacts of water.

Within 5 minutes the tilled soil was completely gone, whereas the tillage-free soil remained almost entirely intact. We decided to see how long it could last and kept adding water to it (to keep up with evaporation) over the course of several weeks. We gave up after 6 weeks, in which the tillage-free soil sample was still about 95% intact.

For those of you asking about yield differences, we were able to gather some information from these two farmers. Keep in mind that this isn’t an official scientific research article, but merely a comparison of two farming operations based on a conversation with each farmer and a simple demonstration of their soil. As mentioned in the original post, these are the exact same soil type and the samples were collected on the same day.

The tillage farmer has a 10 year average of 210 bu/acre whereas the no-till farmer has a 10 year average of 187 bu/acre, so if you’re looking purely at yield then the tillage farmer has a 12% higher yield compared to the no-till farmer. However, when it comes to long term no-till the bulk of the benefits come from reduced inputs and more resilient soil. The tillage farmer applies 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen for his corn crop, whereas the no-till farmer is only applying 120 lbs/acre (and even less in some years). So the tillage farmer is applying 41% more nitrogen but only getting a 12% higher corn yield. When it comes to phosphorus and potassium, the tillage farmer is applying both nutrients ahead of corn. The no-till farmer has not applied phosphorus or potassium for the past 7 crop years.

When it comes to field work, the no-till farmer has substantially less to do, resulting in significantly lower fuel and labors costs, as well as reduced wear and tear on his equipment. After he harvests his crops in the fall he drills a bushel/acre of cereal rye as a cover crop and he’s done with field work for the year. That’s it. When it comes to the tillage farmer’s post-harvest field work, he has the co-op spread his P and K fertilizer (before corn) and then he works it in with tillage. Later in the fall he has anhydrous ammonia applied (before corn). The following spring he does 2 more passes of tillage before a pre-emergent herbicide application and planting his cash crop. The no-till farmer’s spring field work consists of terminating the cover crop and then planting his cash crop. He applies his nitrogen to his corn after emergence in the form of 32% liquid nitrogen. After crops are up and growing they both have relatively similar herbicide programs most years.

So as we mentioned above, if you’re looking purely at yield as your indicator for success, then the tillage farmer has the edge. However, the no-till farmer’s inputs are significantly less than the tillage farmer’s. He’s spending less on fertilizer, fuel, and labor, and his equipment is experiencing a fraction of the wear and tear of the tillage farmer’s equipment. As a result of these lower input costs his profit margin is higher, even though his yields are slightly less. And all of this is only considering the financial numbers behind tillage vs. no-till and not the impact that these two different farming operations have on the soil. The no-till farmer is experiencing little to no erosion each year, and his soil is more resilient to both drought and heavy rains due to its impeccable structure and vast biological activity. On the other hand, the tilled soil is eroding at significant rates and doesn’t hold up to drought and water as well as the no-till soil, as you’ve seen in the picture above.

These numbers and figures we’ve provided are for 2 specific farming operations in central Iowa, and as we all know, each and every farm is a little bit different. We can’t expect to apply these numbers to every single tillage farmer or every single no-till farmer, however the basic concepts behind what tillage and mechanical disturbance does to the soil is universal. Tillage destroys the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and causing the soil to collapse in on itself, making it more susceptible to erosion. We posted this picture with the hopes that we could reach a few people and get them thinking about the soil. We had no idea it would reach this far and start such an expansive dialogue throughout people across the entire country, and we are beyond ecstatic about it.
No photo description available.

Jasper County Soil and Water Conservation District

These samples are the same soil type and have been in a corn-bean rotation for the past 20+ years, however their treatment has been substantially different. The soil on the left has not been tilled or had anhydrous ammonia applied for over 20 years and has had a cereal rye cover crop grown after harvest for the last 5 years. The soil on the right has been tilled each year, as well has had anhydrous ammonia applied in the fall. This picture was taken about 2 minutes after the samples were submerged in water.

The tilled soil essentially “exploded” as soon as it entered the water. Repeated tillage has destroyed the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and destroying the biological “glue” that helps hold soil together, and as a result the soil has collapsed. In contrast, due to minimal soil disturbance the tillage-free soil has excellent pore space and extensive biological activity, and as a result has provided the soil with a healthy structure that can withstand the impacts of water.

Within 5 minutes the tilled soil was completely gone, whereas the tillage-free soil remained almost entirely intact. We decided to see how long it could last and kept adding water to it (to keep up with evaporation) over the course of several weeks. We gave up after 6 weeks, in which the tillage-free soil sample was still about 95% intact.

For those of you asking about yield differences, we were able to gather some information from these two farmers. Keep in mind that this isn’t an official scientific research article, but merely a comparison of two farming operations based on a conversation with each farmer and a simple demonstration of their soil. As mentioned in the original post, these are the exact same soil type and the samples were collected on the same day.

The tillage farmer has a 10 year average of 210 bu/acre whereas the no-till farmer has a 10 year average of 187 bu/acre, so if you’re looking purely at yield then the tillage farmer has a 12% higher yield compared to the no-till farmer. However, when it comes to long term no-till the bulk of the benefits come from reduced inputs and more resilient soil. The tillage farmer applies 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen for his corn crop, whereas the no-till farmer is only applying 120 lbs/acre (and even less in some years). So the tillage farmer is applying 41% more nitrogen but only getting a 12% higher corn yield. When it comes to phosphorus and potassium, the tillage farmer is applying both nutrients ahead of corn. The no-till farmer has not applied phosphorus or potassium for the past 7 crop years.

When it comes to field work, the no-till farmer has substantially less to do, resulting in significantly lower fuel and labors costs, as well as reduced wear and tear on his equipment. After he harvests his crops in the fall he drills a bushel/acre of cereal rye as a cover crop and he’s done with field work for the year. That’s it. When it comes to the tillage farmer’s post-harvest field work, he has the co-op spread his P and K fertilizer (before corn) and then he works it in with tillage. Later in the fall he has anhydrous ammonia applied (before corn). The following spring he does 2 more passes of tillage before a pre-emergent herbicide application and planting his cash crop. The no-till farmer’s spring field work consists of terminating the cover crop and then planting his cash crop. He applies his nitrogen to his corn after emergence in the form of 32% liquid nitrogen. After crops are up and growing they both have relatively similar herbicide programs most years.

So as we mentioned above, if you’re looking purely at yield as your indicator for success, then the tillage farmer has the edge. However, the no-till farmer’s inputs are significantly less than the tillage farmer’s. He’s spending less on fertilizer, fuel, and labor, and his equipment is experiencing a fraction of the wear and tear of the tillage farmer’s equipment. As a result of these lower input costs his profit margin is higher, even though his yields are slightly less. And all of this is only considering the financial numbers behind tillage vs. no-till and not the impact that these two different farming operations have on the soil. The no-till farmer is experiencing little to no erosion each year, and his soil is more resilient to both drought and heavy rains due to its impeccable structure and vast biological activity. On the other hand, the tilled soil is eroding at significant rates and doesn’t hold up to drought and water as well as the no-till soil, as you’ve seen in the picture above.

These numbers and figures we’ve provided are for 2 specific farming operations in central Iowa, and as we all know, each and every farm is a little bit different. We can’t expect to apply these numbers to every single tillage farmer or every single no-till farmer, however the basic concepts behind what tillage and mechanical disturbance does to the soil is universal. Tillage destroys the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and causing the soil to collapse in on itself, making it more susceptible to erosion. We posted this picture with the hopes that we could reach a few people and get them thinking about the soil. We had no idea it would reach this far and start such an expansive dialogue throughout people across the entire country, and we are beyond ecstatic about it.
No photo description available.

We have to go to no till and asap. Less than 50 harvests of top soil left in our current trajectory.
No till is better. Many have come around due to the results.

Only thing we till up are the boundaries on corn to beans for weed/grass control - all gets sprayed anyways but mainly to punch seed into a clean surface, or scratch the big ditches to 'mellow them out' in hopes we don't crack a rim on the combines.
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Rate of adoption of no-till by county in 2017
Most farmers near me practice no till farming although they do apply anhydrous in the fall. It's very rare to find a tilled field in SW Iowa.
The number of no till farms has significantly increased around my neck of the woods over the last decade. Although I don't see many farms using a cover crop, especially after a soy bean harvest. It seems they just keep the harvest waste on the field as a cover to protect the crops. Does adding the rye grass help regenerate certain nutrients in the soil or is it strictly just to prevent soil erosion?
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Rate of adoption of no-till by county in 2017
The fact that Cook County in Illinois is greater than 35% no-till makes this data hard to follow. Of course it's no-till, the entire county is a city and doesn't have any farms. They probably should have differentiated areas where there isn't much farming compared to areas where there are lots of farms.
Jasper County Soil and Water Conservation District

These samples are the same soil type and have been in a corn-bean rotation for the past 20+ years, however their treatment has been substantially different. The soil on the left has not been tilled or had anhydrous ammonia applied for over 20 years and has had a cereal rye cover crop grown after harvest for the last 5 years. The soil on the right has been tilled each year, as well has had anhydrous ammonia applied in the fall. This picture was taken about 2 minutes after the samples were submerged in water.

The tilled soil essentially “exploded” as soon as it entered the water. Repeated tillage has destroyed the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and destroying the biological “glue” that helps hold soil together, and as a result the soil has collapsed. In contrast, due to minimal soil disturbance the tillage-free soil has excellent pore space and extensive biological activity, and as a result has provided the soil with a healthy structure that can withstand the impacts of water.

Within 5 minutes the tilled soil was completely gone, whereas the tillage-free soil remained almost entirely intact. We decided to see how long it could last and kept adding water to it (to keep up with evaporation) over the course of several weeks. We gave up after 6 weeks, in which the tillage-free soil sample was still about 95% intact.

For those of you asking about yield differences, we were able to gather some information from these two farmers. Keep in mind that this isn’t an official scientific research article, but merely a comparison of two farming operations based on a conversation with each farmer and a simple demonstration of their soil. As mentioned in the original post, these are the exact same soil type and the samples were collected on the same day.

The tillage farmer has a 10 year average of 210 bu/acre whereas the no-till farmer has a 10 year average of 187 bu/acre, so if you’re looking purely at yield then the tillage farmer has a 12% higher yield compared to the no-till farmer. However, when it comes to long term no-till the bulk of the benefits come from reduced inputs and more resilient soil. The tillage farmer applies 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen for his corn crop, whereas the no-till farmer is only applying 120 lbs/acre (and even less in some years). So the tillage farmer is applying 41% more nitrogen but only getting a 12% higher corn yield. When it comes to phosphorus and potassium, the tillage farmer is applying both nutrients ahead of corn. The no-till farmer has not applied phosphorus or potassium for the past 7 crop years.

When it comes to field work, the no-till farmer has substantially less to do, resulting in significantly lower fuel and labors costs, as well as reduced wear and tear on his equipment. After he harvests his crops in the fall he drills a bushel/acre of cereal rye as a cover crop and he’s done with field work for the year. That’s it. When it comes to the tillage farmer’s post-harvest field work, he has the co-op spread his P and K fertilizer (before corn) and then he works it in with tillage. Later in the fall he has anhydrous ammonia applied (before corn). The following spring he does 2 more passes of tillage before a pre-emergent herbicide application and planting his cash crop. The no-till farmer’s spring field work consists of terminating the cover crop and then planting his cash crop. He applies his nitrogen to his corn after emergence in the form of 32% liquid nitrogen. After crops are up and growing they both have relatively similar herbicide programs most years.

So as we mentioned above, if you’re looking purely at yield as your indicator for success, then the tillage farmer has the edge. However, the no-till farmer’s inputs are significantly less than the tillage farmer’s. He’s spending less on fertilizer, fuel, and labor, and his equipment is experiencing a fraction of the wear and tear of the tillage farmer’s equipment. As a result of these lower input costs his profit margin is higher, even though his yields are slightly less. And all of this is only considering the financial numbers behind tillage vs. no-till and not the impact that these two different farming operations have on the soil. The no-till farmer is experiencing little to no erosion each year, and his soil is more resilient to both drought and heavy rains due to its impeccable structure and vast biological activity. On the other hand, the tilled soil is eroding at significant rates and doesn’t hold up to drought and water as well as the no-till soil, as you’ve seen in the picture above.

These numbers and figures we’ve provided are for 2 specific farming operations in central Iowa, and as we all know, each and every farm is a little bit different. We can’t expect to apply these numbers to every single tillage farmer or every single no-till farmer, however the basic concepts behind what tillage and mechanical disturbance does to the soil is universal. Tillage destroys the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and causing the soil to collapse in on itself, making it more susceptible to erosion. We posted this picture with the hopes that we could reach a few people and get them thinking about the soil. We had no idea it would reach this far and start such an expansive dialogue throughout people across the entire country, and we are beyond ecstatic about it.
No photo description available.
Thanks for posting this. I've following no tillage for a very long time, as well as what happened to the soil with roundup ready corn.

Another reason for no tillage is that tilling spreads weed seeds. There are actually less weeds with no tillage.
The number of no till farms has significantly increased around my neck of the woods over the last decade. Although I don't see many farms using a cover crop, especially after a soy bean harvest. It seems they just keep the harvest waste on the field as a cover to protect the crops. Does adding the rye grass help regenerate certain nutrients in the soil or is it strictly just to prevent soil erosion?
I think it's for erosion. My brother has a test plot that they tried planting a cover crop on. They must not have seen enough benefit because the test plot sponsor only did it one year.
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... Does adding the rye grass help regenerate certain nutrients in the soil or is it strictly just to prevent soil erosion?
Many benefits of cover crops in Iowa

It is not rye grass, but rather cereal rye, a grain, that is most commonly planted as a cover crop in Iowa. (Check out the link above for more details.) Cereal rye has MANY benefits and is growing in popularity/use here all the time.
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The number of no till farms has significantly increased around my neck of the woods over the last decade. Although I don't see many farms using a cover crop, especially after a soy bean harvest. It seems they just keep the harvest waste on the field as a cover to protect the crops. Does adding the rye grass help regenerate certain nutrients in the soil or is it strictly just to prevent soil erosion?
Every nutrient needed in a cereal rye is the same as what is needed in corn. As cereal rye decays those nutrients become available. Having active biology in your soil keeps that nutrient cycle going. That is why there is a benefit to using starter in the spring. Jumps starts the nutrient cycle. The amount of nitrogen we add is minimal compared to the amount of nitrogen in the soil already. The problem is what we add is not stable and in a leaky system. Much of the fertilizer we add is not as plant available as what is already in the soil. And this is where having active biology is important in a notill system. Lot of money available to convert to no-till and cover crop through the Inflation Reduction Act. Need to do it in the next 3 years if you are interested.
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I’m really surprised strip-till hasn’t gained adoption at a faster rate. Won’t build soil structure or organic matter as fast as no-till but the erosion benefits will be similar.
Way fewer passes across the field and can still apply all your fertilizer needs.
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Jasper County Soil and Water Conservation District

These samples are the same soil type and have been in a corn-bean rotation for the past 20+ years, however their treatment has been substantially different. The soil on the left has not been tilled or had anhydrous ammonia applied for over 20 years and has had a cereal rye cover crop grown after harvest for the last 5 years. The soil on the right has been tilled each year, as well has had anhydrous ammonia applied in the fall. This picture was taken about 2 minutes after the samples were submerged in water.

The tilled soil essentially “exploded” as soon as it entered the water. Repeated tillage has destroyed the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and destroying the biological “glue” that helps hold soil together, and as a result the soil has collapsed. In contrast, due to minimal soil disturbance the tillage-free soil has excellent pore space and extensive biological activity, and as a result has provided the soil with a healthy structure that can withstand the impacts of water.

Within 5 minutes the tilled soil was completely gone, whereas the tillage-free soil remained almost entirely intact. We decided to see how long it could last and kept adding water to it (to keep up with evaporation) over the course of several weeks. We gave up after 6 weeks, in which the tillage-free soil sample was still about 95% intact.

For those of you asking about yield differences, we were able to gather some information from these two farmers. Keep in mind that this isn’t an official scientific research article, but merely a comparison of two farming operations based on a conversation with each farmer and a simple demonstration of their soil. As mentioned in the original post, these are the exact same soil type and the samples were collected on the same day.

The tillage farmer has a 10 year average of 210 bu/acre whereas the no-till farmer has a 10 year average of 187 bu/acre, so if you’re looking purely at yield then the tillage farmer has a 12% higher yield compared to the no-till farmer. However, when it comes to long term no-till the bulk of the benefits come from reduced inputs and more resilient soil. The tillage farmer applies 170 lbs/acre of nitrogen for his corn crop, whereas the no-till farmer is only applying 120 lbs/acre (and even less in some years). So the tillage farmer is applying 41% more nitrogen but only getting a 12% higher corn yield. When it comes to phosphorus and potassium, the tillage farmer is applying both nutrients ahead of corn. The no-till farmer has not applied phosphorus or potassium for the past 7 crop years.

When it comes to field work, the no-till farmer has substantially less to do, resulting in significantly lower fuel and labors costs, as well as reduced wear and tear on his equipment. After he harvests his crops in the fall he drills a bushel/acre of cereal rye as a cover crop and he’s done with field work for the year. That’s it. When it comes to the tillage farmer’s post-harvest field work, he has the co-op spread his P and K fertilizer (before corn) and then he works it in with tillage. Later in the fall he has anhydrous ammonia applied (before corn). The following spring he does 2 more passes of tillage before a pre-emergent herbicide application and planting his cash crop. The no-till farmer’s spring field work consists of terminating the cover crop and then planting his cash crop. He applies his nitrogen to his corn after emergence in the form of 32% liquid nitrogen. After crops are up and growing they both have relatively similar herbicide programs most years.

So as we mentioned above, if you’re looking purely at yield as your indicator for success, then the tillage farmer has the edge. However, the no-till farmer’s inputs are significantly less than the tillage farmer’s. He’s spending less on fertilizer, fuel, and labor, and his equipment is experiencing a fraction of the wear and tear of the tillage farmer’s equipment. As a result of these lower input costs his profit margin is higher, even though his yields are slightly less. And all of this is only considering the financial numbers behind tillage vs. no-till and not the impact that these two different farming operations have on the soil. The no-till farmer is experiencing little to no erosion each year, and his soil is more resilient to both drought and heavy rains due to its impeccable structure and vast biological activity. On the other hand, the tilled soil is eroding at significant rates and doesn’t hold up to drought and water as well as the no-till soil, as you’ve seen in the picture above.

These numbers and figures we’ve provided are for 2 specific farming operations in central Iowa, and as we all know, each and every farm is a little bit different. We can’t expect to apply these numbers to every single tillage farmer or every single no-till farmer, however the basic concepts behind what tillage and mechanical disturbance does to the soil is universal. Tillage destroys the structure of the soil, eliminating pore space and causing the soil to collapse in on itself, making it more susceptible to erosion. We posted this picture with the hopes that we could reach a few people and get them thinking about the soil. We had no idea it would reach this far and start such an expansive dialogue throughout people across the entire country, and we are beyond ecstatic about it.
No photo description available.
That experiment was done this spring. You can walk into the Newton office and the no till clod is still in the cylinder of water as you see it in the picture.
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I’m really surprised strip-till hasn’t gained adoption at a faster rate. Won’t build soil structure or organic matter as fast as no-till but the erosion benefits will be similar.
Way fewer passes across the field and can still apply all your fertilizer needs.
I talked to a number of larger farmers about switching to strip till since they already have the high horsepower tractors.. A couple are in the process of switching. Producers that rely on hired hands don’t necessarily trust them to run that kind of machine. Easier to stick someone in a tractor and let them run the chisel or field cultivator.
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Thanks for posting this. I've following no tillage for a very long time, as well as what happened to the soil with roundup ready corn.

Another reason for no tillage is that tilling spreads weed seeds. There are actually less weeds with no tillage.
Not less weeds, just different weeds. Weeds adapt.
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Not less weeds, just different weeds. Weeds adapt.
100% spot on. My area of North Dakota has been largely no-till/minimum till for 25-30 years. Seen a shift from weeds like red root pigweed and lambsquarters to perennials like Canada thistle.
And we still have kochia because it’s an amazing adapter.
I talked to a number of larger farmers about switching to strip till since they already have the high horsepower tractors.. A couple are in the process of switching. Producers that rely on hired hands don’t necessarily trust them to run that kind of machine. Easier to stick someone in a tractor and let them run the chisel or field cultivator.
Interesting. It seems once you figure out auto-steer it should be pretty dummy proof. Where I’m at hired hands are pulling 3/4 of a million dollars behind a tractor.
Every nutrient needed in a cereal rye is the same as what is needed in corn. As cereal rye decays those nutrients become available. Having active biology in your soil keeps that nutrient cycle going. That is why there is a benefit to using starter in the spring. Jumps starts the nutrient cycle. The amount of nitrogen we add is minimal compared to the amount of nitrogen in the soil already. The problem is what we add is not stable and in a leaky system. Much of the fertilizer we add is not as plant available as what is already in the soil. And this is where having active biology is important in a notill system. Lot of money available to convert to no-till and cover crop through the Inflation Reduction Act. Need to do it in the next 3 years if you are interested.
Ha! I'm not a farmer, but I am interested in the differences between the two.
The fact that Cook County in Illinois is greater than 35% no-till makes this data hard to follow. Of course it's no-till, the entire county is a city and doesn't have any farms. They probably should have differentiated areas where there isn't much farming compared to areas where there are lots of farms.

I couldn't find anything more recent, but according to the USDA in 2017 there were 182 farms in Cook County with around 11k acres.
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Nah, in German Lutheran land we still rape the ground
I stand by my statement, most farmers in SW Iowa don't work the ground before they plant other than anhydrous in the late fall or early spring. There are a few hold outs, but they are in the minority.
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I stand by my statement, most farmers in SW Iowa don't work the ground before they plant other than anhydrous in the late fall or early spring. There are a few hold outs, but they are in the minority.
Oh I know, but unfortunately, there are holdouts where I grew up
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I'd guess far south and far southwest. Between Orland Park and Lemont, and then down around Tinley Park, Matteson and Chicago Heights.

Cook goes quite a ways outside of Chicago, especially south/sw.