Not Safe for Young Earth Creationists (but pretty neat for the rest of us)

Nov 28, 2010
I can understand how you would think that, but I do feel that WWJD does it quite it bit more.

I at least try and make it 50/50.


Depends on whose ox is being gored I guess ;-) ... Will give you credit, your prison reform posts were solid this week.
What is a snowball earth and when were there two of them? Can that possibly mean what I want it to mean?
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What is a snowball earth and when were there two of them? Can that possibly mean what I want it to mean?

If you think it means that Earth was frozen over with ice, then yes.

It is a time when the Earth's temperature cooled to the point that the entire Earth was covered in ice. The addition of oxygen and the loss of green house gases played a major role in the first one as well as all of Earth's continents being around the south pole. The thinking is that ocean currents did not spread heat around the planet very effectively. It's estimated this event killed off around 96% of all life on the planet (which was mostly single celled organisms).

This is the first model I have seen that shows there was more than one snowball earth. I'm going to have to do some searching as it seems some new research has come out about it.

The other issue I have is with dinosaurs. Technically, they never died off. We just call them birds now. Although, that is also a gross overstatement since birds only evolved out of one subgroup of dinosaurs. The vast majority of them disappeared.
Must you always slam somebody over something? How about just posting the chart as something cool to study?
I've merely started imitating you and many HROT cons more. But kudos for turning my frequent criticism back on me. If you had used an emoticon to signal some self-awareness or humility or even humor, I'd give you mega points.