Nothing about Netanyahu?

Not really no. We can be pro Israel and not greenlighting Palestinian civilian slaughter.
Why do we care more about Palestinian civilians killed by Israel than Yemeni civilians killed by Saudi Arabia?

Do we have to give bombs to half of them and food to the other half?
Maybe, but being pro Isreal and calling their leader a corrupt criminal is going to take some pretzels.

Much lol.

Jokes aside chis, you are never going to see a flaw in the democratic party and there will be Jewish democrats that will be very upset by the actions and response of our current administration today.

They quit literally burned the flag while singing "kill the jews".

At some point they will hit maximum capacity of stupidity and revolt.

In super layman's terms at some point you are going to realize trying to keep the people whose religion is to kill gay people, and gay people, under the same tent, is going to cause problems.
Bullshit man. The Dems have plenty of flaws but when we are dealing with anti American filth and the literal end of our Democracy my hand is forced. Also Bibi is a corrupt criminal these are facts he is Prime Minister solely to avoid prosecution. Just like why Trump is running for President. Simple, basic facts.