Notre Dame player exits game after helmet explodes....

THIS is what an "explosion" aftermath looks like...

Can we agree that helmets aren't supposed to do that? ESPECIALLY today when the manufacturers are touting their "high tech materials and design" to minimize concussions?
Can we agree that helmets aren't supposed to do that? ESPECIALLY today when the manufacturers are touting their "high tech materials and design" to minimize concussions?

Break pieces off? Sure.
But that wasn't the headline you'd repeated.
This vid makes it look like it was mostly paint layers coming off, as you can see the white layer underneath most intact in the last view.

I agree; they aren't supposed to be 'breakaways'. Be interesting to see an 'aftermath' photo of the actual damage, before declaring it an "explosion" or "helmet shattering"; if either of those two actually happened, you wouldn't expect he'd have much of a head left, or walk off the field.
I know there is a new helmet out there that is designed to break. It is made with what are essentially crumple zones like in your car.