NOW Lindsey Graham

It was like when Dems had it for two years and didn’t do shit about immigration. Then it became the most important issue on earth the day after the 2014 election.

They tried, but they couldn't get past the filibuster. That's what started the governing by edict that Obama had to use and then Trump came in to show why doing that is a really bad idea. The good news I suppose is that the Democrats finally understood why the filibuster was stupid and needs to go away, although that won't happen now because Republicans want to be able to blame Democrats for getting rid of it. I think it's one of the things that needs to happen to allow our government to actually do it's job. If you want to stop certain legislation from getting passed then you should vote for people who don't support that legislation.
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Yeah, thank God the debt never increased when democrats were in charge. GFY.
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Anything to obstruct the Dems. You guys don’t get to spend 4 years in the resistance and then expect everyone to sing kumbaya.
As long as Mitch McConnell is your guy you will never have the high road. Thanks for adding to the hypocrisy. That's all you cons are.
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Anything to obstruct the Dems. You guys don’t get to spend 4 years in the resistance and then expect everyone to sing kumbaya.
You keep saying that, but it doesn’t make it true. Trump enjoyed control of the House and Senate for two years, and the only accomplishment he had was a massive tax cut that wasn’t offset in any way, and did not produce the growth promised.
As laughable as it is that Lindsey now all of a sudden cares about the debt, I'm not opposed to some bipartisan talks on reducing it. As nice as it sounds, I'm sure it will just end in finger pointing and the same old divide we've seen in Washington for years.

I am all for bringing back Simpson-Bowles. I have been a member of the Concord Coalition. It would involve tax increases and things like raising the retirement age. Queen Lindsay would never do it.
Look at the faux outrage. I'd bet none of you whined about the debt Obama racked up.
LOL...he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. He was able to halve the deficit and set the economy up for Trump on a silver platter. Trump didn't change the trajectory of a single metric that HE inherited but called it the "greatest economy ever". Had he been capable of it, he should have added, "Thanks, Obama". Trump then proceeded - during the "greatest economy ever" - to EXPLODE the deficit. Just in case you really are as dumb as you play here...that's not how it's supposed to work. But that is the special talent of the GOP. Reagan's "great economy" nearly tripled the debt. Why don't you compare that to Clinton? Let us know the numbers.
LOL...he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. He was able to halve the deficit and set the economy up for Trump on a silver platter. Trump didn't change the trajectory of a single metric that HE inherited but called it the "greatest economy ever". Had he been capable of it, he should have added, "Thanks, Obama". Trump then proceeded - during the "greatest economy ever" - to EXPLODE the deficit. Just in case you really are as dumb as you play here...that's not how it's supposed to work. But that is the special talent of the GOP. Reagan's "great economy" nearly tripled the debt. Why don't you compare that to Clinton? Let us know the numbers.
Obama had the slowest recovery in history. He isn't responsible for halving the deficit. That was a deal to limit increases in spending with Congress. Spending was never cut, it just didn't increase as much as revenue.
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There were two years where the GOP owned all of government and all they could manage to do was create tax cuts that blew a trillion dollar hole in the budget and confirm a bunch of unqualified judges. Don't blame Democrats for Republicans literally having no platform other than do what Donald Trump says.

Filibuster was and is still in place.
They tried, but they couldn't get past the filibuster. That's what started the governing by edict that Obama had to use and then Trump came in to show why doing that is a really bad idea. The good news I suppose is that the Democrats finally understood why the filibuster was stupid and needs to go away, although that won't happen now because Republicans want to be able to blame Democrats for getting rid of it. I think it's one of the things that needs to happen to allow our government to actually do it's job. If you want to stop certain legislation from getting passed then you should vote for people who don't support that legislation.

You failed to mention the part about the filibuster when you criticized the Republicans when they had control of all of it.
You keep saying that, but it doesn’t make it true. Trump enjoyed control of the House and Senate for two years, and the only accomplishment he had was a massive tax cut that wasn’t offset in any way, and did not produce the growth promised.

Say it with me...

You failed to mention the part about the filibuster when you criticized the Republicans when they had control of all of it.

I think I made my opinion of the filibuster pretty f*****g clear. If Republicans were ever actually able to fully implement their policies they would never stay in power again.
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It was like when Dems had it for two years and didn’t do shit about immigration. Then it became the most important issue on earth the day after the 2014 election.
They passed a bipartisan immigration bill in the Senate, I believe in 2013, by a 68-32 vote. Unfortunately, Boehner wouldn't even bring it up for a vote in the House due to the "Hastert Rule". Boehner couldn't get his Tea Partiers to compromise from their all-or-nothing position, so nothing happened. So, it was Harry Reid's democratic controlled Senate that was held responsible.
Did I say it had?
No, you didn't say it had happened. You did say the GOP constantly wants it to happen. There's no evidence of that. If it's true, I'm sure there's a Bill sponsored by the GOP that got voted down, right? I'm open minded. Please provide some evidence the GOP is constantly trying to cut social security and Medicare. You do that and I'll gladly help spread that information.
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Why remove the cap? People at that level already get disproportionately less than what they pay in.

Why should it be capped.

People already get a disproportionate amount of benefit from taxes pay. If you pay twice as much in taxes than me you don't get your water twice as hot or the police don't show up twice as fast.

The whole pay in is equal to what the payout is has never ever been true.
No, you didn't say it had happened. You did say the GOP constantly wants it to happen. There's no evidence of that. If it's true, I'm sure there's a Bill sponsored by the GOP that got voted down, right? I'm open minded. Please provide some evidence the GOP is constantly trying to cut social security and Medicare. You do that and I'll gladly help spread that information.
Bush's administration was looking to eff with it back in 2005. Easy google. The cons would LOVE to get their hands on that money. In Iowa it's the cons who want to get their hands on IEPERS. The one positive thing about Reynolds is that she would be hurting her daughter's retirement if she went along with it.
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Bush's administration was looking to eff with it back in 2005. Easy google. The cons would LOVE to get their hands on that money. In Iowa it's the cons who want to get their hands on IEPERS. The one positive thing about Reynolds is that she would be hurting her daughter's retirement if she went along with it.
This. Social Security would have been left in shambles after the economic collapse of 2008-09 if it had been privatized.

Simple as that, and all of the early Boomers would be pan-handling now or standing at the end of Interstate exit ramps pleading for help.

Will work for______________, food, prescription money, shelter,.........
Blood isn’t even dry from the 45* administration’s carcass and conservatives of HROT are already blaming Democrats for society’s ills. Revisionist history at its finest.
No, you didn't say it had happened. You did say the GOP constantly wants it to happen. There's no evidence of that. If it's true, I'm sure there's a Bill sponsored by the GOP that got voted down, right? I'm open minded. Please provide some evidence the GOP is constantly trying to cut social security and Medicare. You do that and I'll gladly help spread that information.

Now you are just being willfully ignorant.

It's not that hard to find a meriade of attempts to cut these things. Eventually, they will succeed. Fortunately for you, it never gets out of the discussion phase. However, if they don't aim to do it, then they need to stop talking about it. One day, likely after the filibuster gets blown apart, they will succeed. Let's see how many people still vote for them then.
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Now you are just being willfully ignorant.

It's not that hard to find a meriade of attempts to cut these things. Eventually, they will succeed. Fortunately for you, it never gets out of the discussion phase. However, if they don't aim to do it, then they need to stop talking about it. One day, likely after the filibuster gets blown apart, they will succeed. Let's see how many people still vote for them then.
F the GOP and their deficit reduction plans. If they were serious, they would go after the people with the money, not those who can least afford it.


They tried, but they couldn't get past the filibuster. That's what started the governing by edict that Obama had to use and then Trump came in to show why doing that is a really bad idea. The good news I suppose is that the Democrats finally understood why the filibuster was stupid and needs to go away, although that won't happen now because Republicans want to be able to blame Democrats for getting rid of it. I think it's one of the things that needs to happen to allow our government to actually do it's job. If you want to stop certain legislation from getting passed then you should vote for people who don't support that legislation.
I disagree. But it used to be an important tool used only under the most extreme circumstances. Now it's just a tool to delay or obstruct. The senate is Supposed to be the calming house of the "voice of the people" so it needs to exist. That said it needs to be limited or at least rules enforced that your ass needs to stand there and read the Bible for 14 hours.
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First, repeal Trump tax cuts. Second, Repeal Bush Tax cuts.

I won't hold my breath though.

As you may recall, President Obama essentially gutted the Bush tax cuts as one of the first acts of his presidency.

This was the reason that economic growth was so sluggish during his eight years in office.

I guess you could always cancel them out again ... No one would pay attention to the true situation. Just call the tax hike a repeal of the Bush hikes and everyone would be for it ... just like they were back then.


Be a little careful. The companies that moved to Ireland and elsewhere when Obama raised taxes might not come back this time. They might stay there.
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First, repeal Trump tax cuts. Second, Repeal Bush Tax cuts.

I won't hold my breath though.
Repealing tax cuts in a recession is not a good idea. The Trump the Junior tax cuts were ill advised because they really were not needed. The cuts just removed the rails from the roller coaster ride and took away an easy “ safety net” in case of a economic downturn.
Your RAISE taxes in good economic time and you lower taxes when times are bad. The last two administrations, because of the economics involved, have turned the economy over to the Fed. Obama did so because he had no real was forced upon them because of impending financial disaster....Trump chose to allow ( and badger/cajole) the Fed to lead the nation’s economic recovery via low interest rates (/free money) and plentiful money supply.
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I am all for bringing back Simpson-Bowles. I have been a member of the Concord Coalition. It would involve tax increases and things like raising the retirement age. Queen Lindsay would never do it.
The problems with raising the retirement age are:
(a) People who depend upon social security the most (poors) tend to work more physically demanding jobs. Retirement isn't just a choice for many, it's their bodies breaking down from a lifetime of manual labor.
(b) That same demographic also has a lower life expectancy than white collar workers. Shifting the retirement age on them is basically telling them to work until they die.

As mentioned before, raising the cap is the most obvious first step, but the GOP has a lot of blue collar workers convinced that they will be making $130,000+ someday and it wouldn't be fair to pay the same tax on earnings above that than they do on their current earnings.
Repealing tax cuts in a recession is not a good idea. The Trump the Junior tax cuts were ill advised because they really were not needed. The cuts just removed the rails from the roller coaster ride and took away an easy “ safety net” in case of a economic downturn.
Your RAISE taxes in good economic time and you lower taxes when times are bad. The last two administrations, because of the economics involved, have turned the economy over to the Fed. Obama did so because he had no real was forced upon them because of impending financial disaster....Trump chose to allow ( and badger/cajole) the Fed to lead the nation’s economic recovery via low interest rates (/free money) and plentiful money supply.

You aren't wrong, but if the deficit is your only prioritiy, which is what it will be for Republicans, that has to happen.

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