NYT's Connections

Puzzle #548

I don't think there's ever been a single time that I looked at the words and thought "you know, if you just add letters to those four, you get...". Those will always be the leftovers.
Puzzle #549
I thought there was no way anyone got the BS purple category first but I guess there are weirdos like you out there 😉

Puzzle #549
Just baaaaarely.

I agree - I think the pictures are harder than words, because it's easier for me to mis-identify the word they're going for in their picture.

Puzzle #550
Wait a tic… I’m reading through today’s posts and the comments sound like today’s connection puzzle was picture-based. Mine was not. Hmmmm
It was pictures on yesterday (Thursday).

Are you traveling abroad? I think they may switch the puzzle based on time zone. When I was in India last year I recall getting connections / Wordle off cycle. Prior to that I thought everyone just changed worldwide when east coast US hit midnight,