Obama Stimulus in CR to be dug up after 4 years?

Well, you didn't link to an article, just a picture. But I guess I'd say if you put money into an area, and it grows enough that you need to redo the roads, couldn't you say that the stimulus worked?
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Well, you didn't link to an article, just a picture. But I guess I'd say if you put money into an area, and it grows enough that you need to redo the roads, couldn't you say that the stimulus worked?

A third of a mile of busy Collins Road NE by Lindale Mall is set for two years of construction beginning this spring as part of a $15.4 million project that will widen the section to six lanes and raise it up to 13 feet.

At the same time, a section of Lindale Drive NE will drop 6 feet to extend under the elevated Collins Road — giving motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists a new access from the north side of the highway to Lindale Mall on the south side.

Gary Petersen, capital improvements project manager for the Cedar Rapids Public Works Department, said this week that it’s far from routine for the city to raise a road like this.

Petersen said the new two-lane route on Lindale Drive under Collins Road will feature 8-foot-wide sidewalks on each side that will give pedestrians and bicyclists an inviting option in one of the city’s principal commercial centers where few options now are in place for them.

Emily Muhlbach, communications coordinator for the city’s Development Services Department, said the underpass will allow shoppers to park at a mall on one side of Collins Road and walk to shops on the other side of the road. Now, people feel obliged to move between malls in their cars because pedestrian options are so limited, she said.

“It’s a shift in how people can access those retail opportunities,” Muhlbach said.

Details of the project were presented to the City Council’s Infrastructure Committee this week, and council member Ann Poe called the changes that will address needs of pedestrians “critical.” She said watching people with children trying to make their way on Collins Road is “frightening.”

The road-raising phase also will include new pedestrian features at the main Collins Road entrance to Lindale Mall and to the entrance road at the Collins Crossing center across the street. Those will include a pedestrian underpass at the Collins Crossing entrance.

The entire Collins Road NE widening project, which has been years in the making and could take up to another five to 20 years to complete, will incorporate the city’s “complete streets” policy into the construction. That means a road that will accommodate not just motorists, but pedestrians and bicyclists, Petersen said.

The council’s Infrastructure Committee endorsed a plan to upgrade materials to be used for the underpass on Lindale Drive and retaining walls that are part of it. The committee selected a midrange upgrade, which will add $119,479 to the project cost, and held out the option to spend an extra $332,231 for the best upgrade if bids come in lower than expected. The project will be bid Jan. 20.

Poe expressed concern that the project calls for the removal of existing frontage roads on the north side of Collins Road NE. As a result, motorists will need to use mall parking lots to make their way east and west in parts of that side of the highway.

Petersen said the new underpass at Lindale Drive will reduce the numbers of motorists who need to cut through parking lots.

Petersen put the construction cost of this part of the Collins Road NE project from Twixt Town Road to east of Northland Drive NE at $10 million. The total project cost is $15.4 million when engineering and design, property acquisition and other pre-construction costs are factored in. Much of the money is coming from federal and state grants. The city’s share of the cost is about $3 million, Petersen said.

He said construction should begin in April with utility work along the route. Part of the bridge to carry the elevated Collins Road NE will be built in 2016 as will improvements to the entrances of Lindale and Collins Crossing malls, he said.

Petersen said temporary road lanes on the south side of Collins Road will help to keep the road open during construction. The work should be complete by the end of 2017 with some cleanup possible in 2018, he said.

The work is the third phase of the Collins Road NE project. The first phase widened and improved the intersection and approaches to it on Collins Road NE and First Avenue NE, and the second phase improved Northland Avenue NE on the north side of Collins Road NE.

The entire project will widen Collins Road NE from just east of First Avenue East to west of Council Street NE and to the ramps at Center Point Road NE.

Petersen said the project cost now probably reaches $100 million.
Obama "stimulus" work that took 2 years to complete around lindale mall is now going to be replaced. Our government dollars at work! Brand new concrete is going to be dug up and the road is going to be elevated up to 13 feet.

The part of Collins that will be elevated is most certainly not "new concrete". It is the only part of Collins that hasn't been resurfaced, and the only part that doesn't have paved shoulders.
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The part of Collins that will be elevated is most certainly not "new concrete". It is the only part of Collins that hasn't been resurfaced, and the only part that doesn't have paved shoulders.

Why would anyone let truth and logic distort their hatred of Obama?
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I think any infrastructure improvements in, or around a mall is a poor long term investment.
Thanks for the reasoned input. Completely makes sense to not spend money on infrastructure where people travel the most. We should probably ignore interstates, as well.

No one is building malls anymore. They are about as good of an investment as Beta Max players.

But, don't let me tell you where to invest your money. 8tracks technology might be a shelter for you to investigate as well.
Why would anyone let truth and logic distort their hatred of Obama?

I'm not advocating for the project. It seems fine, but there probably better things that need to be done. My first thought was they had just resurfaced collins, and now they are going to tear it up? I drove on it today, however, and the latest resurfacing ends at Northland. The elevated area would be between Northland and Twixt Town Rd, and last year's reconstruction goes front Twixt Town to 1st Ave. Six lanes will be nice as it always so busy in there, especially at Christmas. I'm thinking that the city is getting it done while it can get state and federal funding. I'm not sure it could even be six laned spending only the city's share.
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Taking a moment to ignore to ignore the asinine and childish conclusion of the OP, the REAL news I just how mind-bogglingly stupid an idea this is on the city's part. I would challenge any of my fellow Cedar Rapids-Marion residents to find a LESS needed infrastructure project in Cedar Rapids' commercial districts. Here is the most laughable part...

Emily Muhlbach, communications coordinator for the city’s Development Services Department, said the underpass will allow shoppers to park at a mall on one side of Collins Road and walk to shops on the other side of the road. Now, people feel obliged to move between malls in their cars because pedestrian options are so limited, she said

Okay, Emily. We get it. Americans and their fat assets need to walk around more. But let's not pretend one single person who has EVER parked at Lindale Mall or Collins Plaza has ever thought to themselves: jeez, if only I could park here to shop, then walk over there, and have to walk BACK to this parking lot again to get to my car. Moreover, who are all these pedestrians descending on Collins Road by Lindale Mall? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is not the nearest residential area a good half mile away in any direction (and even then, wouldn't it be apartments down Lindale Dr near Blairs Ferry. How many residents are even there). The inconvenient fact is that hardly ANYONE lives within walking distance around there. Nor is it convenient for pedestrians even WITH this giant waste of taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, it was planned and built in the height of the automobile era. Let's not pretend this elevation of Collins is solving a real problem facing shoppers. I guarantee 90-95% of people will get in their cars anyway, despite no longer being "obligated". Either someone's getting some money under the table, or the city is just plain stupid.
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This has nothing to do with Obama. This is the Cedar Rapids City Council seeing traffic actually moving somewhere and recognizing there must be a flaw in their overall plan.