Oceans 8

RT has it at 78 so far, but open tomorrow. Viewers have it higher.

RT has new ghostbusters at 73, viewers 52.

You sure you guys aren’t seeing it this way just because it’s women? “Unnecessary”? It’s not a reboot, and what movies aren’t unnecessary these days? The lineup right now is Meg and Skyscraper, talk about unnecessary.
RT has it at 78 so far, but open tomorrow. Viewers have it higher.

RT has new ghostbusters at 73, viewers 52.

You sure you guys aren’t seeing it this way just because it’s women? “Unnecessary”? It’s not a reboot, and what movies aren’t unnecessary these days? The lineup right now is Meg and Skyscraper, talk about unnecessary.
You can’t take critics rating on RT seriously. The audience score is all that matters.
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Oceans 12 and 13 were bad and now they are feminizing this movie and rebooting a crap franchise. I hope it fails horribly
So if I hated oceans 12 and 13, does that mean I hate men?

That wasn’t what I said or implied at all.

Also quite curious that someone who hated 2/3 of the recent movies in the sequence would take the time to make a thread about it. Why not one on Rampage or Skyscraper?
Oceans 12 and 13 were bad and now they are feminizing this movie and rebooting a crap franchise. I hope it fails horribly

Funny that he complains specifically about “feminizing,” but then later posts snark trying to say it has nothing to do with his preference on gender roles in film.
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You sure you guys aren’t seeing it this way just because it’s women?

To me, and perhaps I'm alone, taking a movie with a heavily male cast and essentially just remaking it with a heavily female cast seems sort of sexist. Are there really no good original ideas for female stories? It just seems like pandering, instead of actually writing good stories with strong female roles that women will want to go see. Its a half-assed effort to correct the gender imbalance in Hollywood.

Plus, I agree with the OP that this is a franchise hardly worthy of yet another movie.
To me, and perhaps I'm alone, taking a movie with a heavily male cast and essentially just remaking it with a heavily female cast seems sort of sexist. Are there really no good original ideas for female stories? It just seems like pandering, instead of actually writing good stories with strong female roles that women will want to go see. Its a half-assed effort to correct the gender imbalance in Hollywood.

Plus, I agree with the OP that this is a franchise hardly worthy of yet another movie.

But it doesn’t appear to just be a recast, does it? It is a heist movie that took the title.

There was just a heist movie out that wasn’t nearly as well reviewed but didn’t garner those complaints. Is it just the title?

If this was, “Sandra S and the heisters,” it might somehow be better?
For example I enjoyed Logan Lucky a lot, but it basically just redid prior heist-at-the-track movies with a comedic angle. I didn’t immediately complain it wasn’t as good as Kubrick’s. Should I have if it had shared a title?
That wasn’t what I said or implied at all.

Also quite curious that someone who hated 2/3 of the recent movies in the sequence would take the time to make a thread about it. Why not one on Rampage or Skyscraper?

He was responding to another poster.
Is it just the title? If this was, “Sandra S and the heisters,” it might somehow be better?

In truth, yeah, my perception would probably be different.

But since it has the same franchise name, I assume that it is going to follow the same formula (band of criminals with good hearts knocking some rich jerk down a couple of pegs by pulling off an incredible heist) and have the same "witty" dialogue with lots of snarky one-liners. Maybe even throw in a love interest for the lead good gal criminal. Perhaps the movie will in no way resemble the other iterations and I'm wrong, but the title is a brand. And brands are meant to tell consumers something about the product just by perception.

Anyway, does anyone remember Mr. Hawk's rant on the Oceans franchise when Oceans 12 came out? Truly one of the great posts in HROT history.
In truth, yeah, my perception would probably be different.

But since it has the same franchise name, I assume that it is going to follow the same formula (band of criminals with good hearts knocking some rich jerk down a couple of pegs by pulling off an incredible heist) and have the same "witty" dialogue with lots of snarky one-liners. Maybe even throw in a love interest for the lead good gal criminal. Perhaps the movie will in no way resemble the other iterations and I'm wrong.

Anyway, does anyone remember Mr. Hawk's rant on the Oceans franchise when Oceans 12 came out? Truly one of the great posts in HROT history.

Aren’t most heist movies done that same way? Should I have hated the expendables for furthering tropes?

Putting all that aside, I really don’t care whether anyone specifically dislikes this movie and I probably won’t see it, but I was surprised to see a specific thread on it when there are so many other movies to complain about, along with countless Marvels/StarWars/DC/Fox regurgitation taking place that doesn’t get the same derision. They aren’t rebooting Han Solo as a girl.
Aren’t most heist movies done that same way? Should I have hated the expendables for furthering tropes?

Putting all that aside, I really don’t care whether anyone specifically dislikes this movie and I probably won’t see it, but I was surprised to see a specific thread on it when there are so many other movies to complain about, along with countless Marvels/StarWars/DC/Fox regurgitation taking place that doesn’t get the same derision. They aren’t rebooting Han Solo as a girl.

No, I don't think all heist movies are the same. The Inside Job was nothing like that; The Bank Job was nothing like that.

Sure, lots of non-Oceans movies use the same or similar formula, but I'd have to go to those movies to know that they are using the retread. However, by using the Oceans brand, they are conveying information to you about what to expect. Its no different then looking at running shoes. If you've had Nike running shoes before, you have a perception of the brand and what to expect as far as fit, comfort, quality, etc. Now, does that mean that every Nike shoe will be just like the pairs you've owned before? Of course not. But nonetheless the brand conveys an expectation. Does it also mean that Adidas shoes might not have those same qualities? Of course not, but you'd have to buy those Adidas first to know. They invoked a brand, so its fair for those of us familiar with the brand to have certain expectations from that.

I could not agree with you more on the regurgitation of super hero and Star Wars movies. I used to love super hero movies. Now, I don't think I've been to one in years.

Anyway, I agree that this isn't a topic worth investing much more energy on. Have a good one.
It’s forced IMO.

Amazing how some studio exec thought this was a good idea.
No, I don't think all heist movies are the same. The Inside Job was nothing like that; The Bank Job was nothing like that.

Sure, lots of non-Oceans movies use the same or similar formula, but I'd have to go to those movies to know that they are using the retread. However, by using the Oceans brand, they are conveying information to you about what to expect. Its no different then looking at running shoes. If you've had Nike running shoes before, you have a perception of the brand and what to expect as far as fit, comfort, quality, etc. Now, does that mean that every Nike shoe will be just like the pairs you've owned before? Of course not. But nonetheless the brand conveys an expectation. Does it also mean that Adidas shoes might not have those same qualities? Of course not, but you'd have to buy those Adidas first to know. They invoked a brand, so its fair for those of us familiar with the brand to have certain expectations from that.

I could not agree with you more on the regurgitation of super hero and Star Wars movies. I used to love super hero movies. Now, I don't think I've been to one in years.

Anyway, I agree that this isn't a topic worth investing much more energy on. Have a good one.

That is certainly true about the naming conveying those tropes. I guess I didn’t realize you, or other people, didn’t like those aspects. The two sequels were quite popular. Fair points all around. I still doubt they are things the OP ever considered.
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some thing about her will make me watch it.

To me, and perhaps I'm alone, taking a movie with a heavily male cast and essentially just remaking it with a heavily female cast seems sort of sexist. Are there really no good original ideas for female stories? It just seems like pandering, instead of actually writing good stories with strong female roles that women will want to go see. Its a half-assed effort to correct the gender imbalance in Hollywood.

Plus, I agree with the OP that this is a franchise hardly worthy of yet another movie.

I agree with this. I don't know about sexist but it's mostly just dumb. Movies with women in central roles arn't a problem. Hunger Games did quite well for example and I strongly enjoyed that series. But that was an original movie series that stood on it's own merits. But they need to do better then just re-making some old popular franchises and replacing all the men with women.

It's like the movie makers are saying "Well the studio heads are telling us we got to get more women in central roles. . . but we don't want to actually work very hard at it. . . so why don't we take an old movie with men in central roles, replace them all with women and re-release it."
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Funny that he complains specifically about “feminizing,” but then later posts snark trying to say it has nothing to do with his preference on gender roles in film.

Well I hate making movies just to make movies so it can be all women. It makes Hollywood look like shit because they can’t come up with their own ideas for strong women leads.
To me, and perhaps I'm alone, taking a movie with a heavily male cast and essentially just remaking it with a heavily female cast seems sort of sexist. Are there really no good original ideas for female stories? It just seems like pandering, instead of actually writing good stories with strong female roles that women will want to go see. Its a half-assed effort to correct the gender imbalance in Hollywood.

Plus, I agree with the OP that this is a franchise hardly worthy of yet another movie.
