Oceans 8

Well I hate making movies just to make movies so it can be all women. It makes Hollywood look like shit because they can’t come up with their own ideas for strong women leads.

An all woman cast seems like an odd thing to hate, especially when compared to the laundry list of things to hate about Hollywood.
An all woman cast seems like an odd thing to hate, especially when compared to the laundry list of things to hate about Hollywood.

So you enjoy Hollywood remaking movies just for the sake of diversity? I could care less if this was an all woman cast but with an actual original story but it isn’t.

See the difference?
Who cares if they remake movies as long as they do a good job. Some are good, some suck. No different than other movies.
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I don't hate it. I'm indifferent to it. Which is really a no go zone for a filmophile.
It’s kind of ironic that people are complaining about remaking Ocean’s Eleven, considering that Ocean’s Eleven was a remake itself.
It’s kind of ironic that people are complaining about remaking Ocean’s Eleven, considering that Ocean’s Eleven was a remake itself.
Don't think it's really a remake just takes place in the same world. She's supposed to be Danny's cousin or sister.
Well I hate making movies just to make movies so it can be all women. It makes Hollywood look like shit because they can’t come up with their own ideas for strong women leads.

A movie with all women is made just so it can be a movie with all women?

Have you thought about the circular nature of that?