***official 5/21/24 super storm thread***

Tenacious E

HR Legend
Dec 4, 2001
Schools here in the DSM metro are letting out early due to the threat of 80 mph gusts and tornados. Can't say I recall that ever happening before. We are letting people out of the office early but I'm staying put in the large steel and concrete building. Our garage is full of stuff due to an ongoing remodel so we can't park in it so the car will be safe here underground if we get whacked with hail. After derecho, I'm not sure what can happen with this storm short of a direct tornado hit on my house. What are your plans?
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I don't know what his deal is. He made a bunch of offensive posts which I think he thought were thought-provoking, but they were not. I was in the mode of ignoring posters from the Putin thread and he was just one more poster to avoid reading so I pulled the trigger.
They could have been, but they also could have been a trolling effort. Hard to say.
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Reactions: Moral and millah_22
Hail busted windshield

🔴 Severe Weather Outbreak Likely Across Iowa - Live Storm Chase

Brandon Copic, who is part of Reed Timmer’s crew, is currently near Des Moines. I usually watch him or Reed.


I can hear the eulogy right now. "You know Moral was a good man who will mostly be remembered for the impeccable lawn that he kept...."

Two years ago I had the second worst lawn on the whole block. Last year I was pretty middle of the pack, this year I'm third by my rankings. The two beating me won't be unthroned as they look like something done by some YouTube yard influencers.

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