***Official politics thread***

Now that's a candidate I would love to get behind.
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Trump and Clinton haven't donated a bazillion dollars to disaster relief!!!!! Oh ma gerd!!!!
Put all your political thoughts in here. There are stars, so its official and the mods must enforce any non-followers.

Nobody gives a shit what you think. They have their own political views, and you're not changing their mind.

Go to Hail Ceasar!
Bump to the top because some people just can't follow the D*MN RULES. Asterisks people! Asterisks! When a thread title has asterisks and the word "Official" in it then you are obligated, neigh, required to post exclusively in that thread. So please refrain from starting any new political threads and keep all political discussion contained to this OFFICIAL thread. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your posting privileges, it's in the Geneva Convention, look it up.

Thank You.
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