Officially Done WIth Law & Order: SVU

Mar 14, 2003
This is a show I've enjoyed for years. I like the reruns that constantly air. So tonight I am watching one of the new reboot episodes on USA. What do ya know? Everyone they are dealing with is an illegal and they are making a political point about ICE, illegals, and the current administration in DC.

What a disgrace that even a good show has become this.
I wish they could just stick to old show themes instead of injecting politics. They are discussing sanctuary cities, having people protest "no wall" and so on.
I wish they could just stick to old show themes instead of injecting politics. They are discussing sanctuary cities, having people protest "no wall" and so on.
Yea but shows mimic real life and that is going on in real life.. tv isn’t a utopia like it used to be it’s reality
I didn't realize people were "on board" with any L&O series. It's a mediocre procedural that's good only if you're home sick and would prefer to be accompanied by a marathon of dumb noise requiring little focus or investment.
I wish they could just stick to old show themes instead of injecting politics. They are discussing sanctuary cities, having people protest "no wall" and so on.
The show has dealt with current event politics since its inception.

You are just a butt hurt Trumpanzee snowflake. BAU.
S.W.A.T. did a similar thing this past week where the locals were working with ICE. It made ICE look bad of course while the city was the virtuous defender of sanctuary policies. I don’t even watch the damn show, just stumbled across it.
It's a mediocre procedural that's good only if you're home sick and would prefer to be accompanied by a marathon of dumb noise requiring little focus or investment.

S.W.A.T. did a similar thing this past week where the locals were working with ICE. It made ICE look bad of course while the city was the virtuous defender of sanctuary policies. I don’t even watch the damn show, just stumbled across it.

Exactly what this is doing, except they are making it known NYC is sanctuary so they (ICE) shouldn't be allowed to do what they do.
Law & Order has gone full blown progressive now as the second part of the show moved on.

Really just now? Just now it has?

Here is a 2005 thread about it being too liberal

And a key paragraph
For those who remained loyal, the final straw was the Nov. 16 episode, which centered on an anti-illegal immigration group called the Countrymen Border Watch of America. Of course, the Countrymen were just a thinly veiled reference to the Minuteman Project, a civilian border patrol group that reports illegal alien activity to the authorities.

and one from 2010 celebrating the end of the liberal show
Now the ADA and chief are basically encouraging Olivia to lie under oath and commit perjury at a trial. We'll see what happens....
Is this like the time you were done with the NFL? Or is this like the time you were done with Dick's Sporting Goods? Or is this like the time you were done with Delta? I feel like I am talking to Chunk from the Goonies.

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