Ok now it's official, the GOP cowards will not be holding Town Halls

You do realize most of these Republican town halls are in Red districts where, like Chuck Grassley, the attendees are "screened" at the door????

These are disgruntled GOP voters.
Stop being obtuse.
So, you're saying there aren't any Democrats in supposed red districts? How do you know they're screened at the door, and how do they they screen the people who want to attend?
Don’t expect to see Dutchboy Miller Meeks or chubby Ashley in public in Iowa anytime soon. The cowardice is expected. They’ll never answer for their positions.
I’d go knock on the door of MMM’s alleged Davenport apartment which is about 5 blocks from my house, but turns out it’s a fake address and she doesn’t actually live there which should have made her ineligible to run in this district but apparently rules don’t matter any more if you are a Republican.

This isn't the flex the op thinks it is. This is a reaction to the left's behavior. They are incapable of conversing with people that have opposing views while treating them with respect. I wouldn't give you a platform to scream like children either.
LOL you guys will try and rationalize anything.

It's because the public is pissed. Maybe they should treat others with respect then they'll get it in return.

The right runs around acting like ****ing assholes then whines that they don't get respect.
Yeah, all those libs in *checks notes* WYLIE, TEXAS 😂 😂


Paid actors bussed in by Soros.
😆 ****ing pieces of shit trash

DARVO is an acronym for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender". It describes a behavioral pattern that some people may use when held accountable for bad behavior, such as deflecting blame and responsibility. It's considered a common manipulation tactic used by psychological abusers and perpetrators of wrongdoing, including sexual offenders.
Play the old Soros paying protesters card when you know you can't justify your own party's failures.
wondering wendy testaburger GIF by South Park
I'm tired of Dems playing nice. Rs need a taste of their own poison. Scumbags like you you cheer it on then play the victim card when it gets turned back on you.

You might want to look at my posting history before calling me a scumbag or an R. You, on the other hand are advocating and admitting to doing things that harm kids. You are every thing you accuse MAGA of being. Sad you can’t see that but you are what you are.

PS If you want to insult me, “both sider” seems to be the popular one these days.
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The Trump 2.0 love affair is going to wear off real quick. It is my opinion that 2018 and 2020 are right around the corner. Hiding in a Biden Basement isn't going to help these R's. Their call to give it a try though.