OK, So What Happened?

Keep dreamin.

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I think that could be mostly attributed to Cade actually completing passes. Once the pass game was a real threat, the pressure was off the O line. I could be wrong though.
Not wrong! Pass opens up the run for this team! Simple! KJ needs more totes!
imo if there was a single play that turned it around it was the one when cade somehow moved evaded stumbled out of getting sacked and lofted a touch pass to ostrenga. monster play that probably rewired cade’s head confidence wise. that was the switch flip.
Ortwerth caught that pass.
You are upset with the QB play today?
Cade played well the second half. His footwork was poor in the first half, he was leaning back and throwing off the back foot too often. The second half he started stepping into his throws and his accuracy improved. He also showed some good mobility. Also remember we had several penalties that hurt the offense in the first half. That “ crap pass “ as you called it was partially due to Vanderzee missing the audible and being in wrong place although he made a good play on the ball and got the TD. People need to give Cade some grace, he hasn’t played much for 3 years and has experienced several serious injuries.