Omg they are painting the water tower


HB King
Feb 11, 2013
Quad Cities
It’s happening!

Of the two logos facing different directions....I certainly hope the IOWA logo faces the field as opposed to the Tigerhawk.

Either way, it's about time.
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I guess I’ve never understood what the big deal about the water tower is. A complete non-issue to me.

I would wager most fans....if they even notice...will see it and think “They put a tiger hawk on the water tower” and then never give it another thought.
I guess I’ve never understood what the big deal about the water tower is. A complete non-issue to me.

I would wager most fans....if they even notice...will see it and think “They put a tiger hawk on the water tower” and then never give it another thought.
Not being a downer at all. If some people want to get excited about it...fine. By the middle of the first quarter of the first game, the majority of those people will have pretty much forgotten about it.

I have never cared about the water tower being painted. A complete non-issue for me, and of absolutely no importance whatsoever.

But there are those who think otherwise, and that’s ok.
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Did the consultant give the go-ahead? LOL

Iowa fans ask for a Tiger Hawk at midfield, and after decades of pondering in the Athletic Department offices, it happens.

Iowa fans ask for a Tiger Hawk on the plain white water tower that overlooks the stadium and, decades later, it happens.

All this simply goes to show that it's true: good things come to those who wait. And, of course, that the Iowa Athletic Department is a tad slow on the up-take. :rolleyes:

And BTW: I guess this is another indirect admission that Hawkeye fans were right again. No consultant required.
I know this is looking a gift horse in the mouth, but since painting has not commenced yet...could we get the tower behind the tiger hawk painted gold?