On average, 65% of Americans polled believe the country is on the wrong track.

As a member of this community, I'm surprised you asked why. The right wingers think the country and it's leaders are too far left and the left wingers think the country and it's leaders are too far right. They can't find virtually anything to agree upon other than the country is headed down the shitter, except for entirely different reasons.
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As a member of this community, I'm surprised you asked why. The right wingers think the country and it's leaders are too far left and the left wingers think the country and it's leaders are too far right. They can't find virtually anything to agree upon other than the country is headed down the shitter, except for entirely different reasons.

Why do left wingers think the country is going into the shitter under Biden?

Murdering babies in wombs isn’t as easy as it used to be? Oh boohoo.

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